Posted November 28, 2020
I'd like to have a way to get multiple copies of one game on several computers without violating the license. I think that would be a good way to support this service. I'd buy another license of at least The Guild, Empire Earth and Star Wars Battlefront.
An additional evaluation-period would be great. The files are DRM-free and copyable. If I have installed it to a location where it is not decided whether it stays there, I'd like to have some time to purchase additional copies. "Use-Case:" Friends come without their PC. I could install a game on an old PC without purchasing the license immediately. If I see this happen more often, I can purchase an additional licens.
The system should be trust-based: Just a counter for each game in posession to remind, how many copies are accepted. Mentioning it as trust-based somewhere close to the counter is a good idea, I think.
Best regards,
Andreas Wagner aka "thewand" (Don't laugh, it's "the _W_agner, _AND_reas." It took me years to find out there are magic wands around.)
I'd like to have a way to get multiple copies of one game on several computers without violating the license. I think that would be a good way to support this service. I'd buy another license of at least The Guild, Empire Earth and Star Wars Battlefront.
An additional evaluation-period would be great. The files are DRM-free and copyable. If I have installed it to a location where it is not decided whether it stays there, I'd like to have some time to purchase additional copies. "Use-Case:" Friends come without their PC. I could install a game on an old PC without purchasing the license immediately. If I see this happen more often, I can purchase an additional licens.
The system should be trust-based: Just a counter for each game in posession to remind, how many copies are accepted. Mentioning it as trust-based somewhere close to the counter is a good idea, I think.
Best regards,
Andreas Wagner aka "thewand" (Don't laugh, it's "the _W_agner, _AND_reas." It took me years to find out there are magic wands around.)