Posted October 27, 2015
"I've been [url=]a [url=]of things, especially about claimed abilities."
The linking isn't working in my preview (stuff is being added to the url for some reason), so the post numbers are 1354, 1383, 1438, 1440, and 1451.
1) We don't know how difficult they are and despite our best efforts we could still fail them...
2) ... If we fail them, we already can't lynch scummy players - now we have a reason to distrust our townie players as well (Oh snap you failed that crisis event! Scum!!!)
3) We don't know how many of these we face, and every time we volunteer a player to go on one, we are telling scum "Please night kill me I have good X stats!" By the late game, we're going to be in trouble.
2) If we already can't lynch scummy players, then we won't be lynching players that fail events. Or is failing an event something besides scummy?
3) If scum are solely killing people that have high stats, then so much the better for us. They aren't choosing based on things that are in all likely hood more dangerous to them ("Hay guyz! Lets kill the high int player instead of that cop or tracker!"). If we get to late game and still have no idea who the scum are, then we're in trouble anyway.
Wouldn't be the first time a mod has inserted references into flavor (yogsloth), but it could too easily be just reading into it. Personally, I don't think dedo being named like that means anything special.
Perhaps a bus driver swapped agent (known tracker) with someone they thought suspicious (drealmer) while hoping scum would try and kill agent, and it turns out drealmer is scum lying about being blocked. Yes, this sounds more convoluted; I'm providing a scenario, not backing this particular theory.
How certain are you that you weren't redirected n some fashion?