It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Truth007: Even before galaxy was a thing, those older gog installers can also potentially have issues in the future , it just depends if the os has enough things changed up that the installers might not like.
Getting things out from those installers isn't a problem, you can use tools like Innoextract.

The problem will be if the installer actually tries to interact deeply with the OS, like changing some registry values or something.

Games which can be run with third party software, like DOSbox, ScummVM, or something else won't be a problem, but other games can be problematic. Even if you can get stuff out of that Cyberpunk 2077 installer 10-20 years from now, is there anything you can do with it?
rjbuffchix: Well yeah but I think it's easier to focus on the galaxy.dll since if it deemed "unallowed" by Windows it would be analogous to other past things that Windows blocks. The sticking point is that it is ultimately "bad design" as I figure that if we could just have fully "Un-Galaxied" installers/games, this particular risk wouldn't exist.
Gersen: Well this "bad design" is how 99% of DLL are used in Windows, i.e. statically linked (yes I know it's lib that are statically linked not DLL but let's keep thing simple). And the chances of Windows blocking Galaxy DLL are as high as them deciding to block the game EXE.
I do not have the same level of technical knowledge as you..I am just thinking of how I read Windows blocks something like Securom. I disagree with your last sentence's assessment as it seems to me that they would not block EXE files across the board whereas a dll file like this could be blocked in theory if it directly corresponds to something like an old online client that is blocked for whatever reason (like a security vulnerability). Obviously since we can't tell the future, we won't know whose guess is right, but it seems to me there's no true need on the customers' end for this stuff to be in the files if the customer is one who refuses Galaxy.
rjbuffchix: I do not have the same level of technical knowledge as you..I am just thinking of how I read Windows blocks something like Securom. I disagree with your last sentence's assessment as it seems to me that they would not block EXE files across the board whereas a dll file like this could be blocked in theory if it directly corresponds to something like an old online client that is blocked for whatever reason (like a security vulnerability).
Microsoft didn't block Securom, what Microsoft blocked was the driver part of Securom because, like most drivers, it was running at a very low level and was a security risk, but if you have game using a Securom implementation that don't uses its driver then it will work perfectly fine under Windows 10 and most likely 11. Also they didn't block Flash despite what is said in the OP, Microsoft removed the bundled version of Flash, but if you installed it manually it was still working fine (unless the browser themselves blocked the plugin).

On the other side you have tons of dead applications / clients with tons of security issues and Microsoft never blocked any of them.

And even in the incredibly unlikely even that in the future Microsoft decide to block Galaxy, what they would block would be the client itself, as in preventing it to start, not some random DLL that is only there to communicate with Galaxy.
Post edited October 04, 2021 by Gersen
high rated
BrianSim: Or more likely people are intelligent enough to see a no-compromise offline installer and shoving a wall of online feature related code in games that's tied to store's backend servers that won't be around forever are naturally contradictory. I don't begrudge anyone using Galaxy for wanting Achievements. Just keep that stuff in Galaxy without forcing OFFLINE installers to have client related code they can't even use at the expense of breaking OS compatibility. But that hasn't happened so the "baseless fear-mongering propaganda" that's basically normal people expressing valid concern over the long-term trend of degrading the quality of offline installers with "Galaxy feature creep" is actually observable reality.
To address the elephant in the room, the dll is needed mostly because of achievements. Devs can't implement this Galaxy native functionality in a game unless they have the required interfaces available. Without doing a crash course on programming I can say this is simply how it works.

Could you do an intelligent hook for games to work even without the presence of a galaxy.dll file? Yeah, sure. And I'm certain some game developers already are. But other developers simply don't care much. Just like steam.dll it has become "part of the package". And I'll remind you that as there are games on GOG which ship with a steam.dll, there are also games on Steam which ship with a galaxy.dll.

I'm not happy about how these things are either, but it's a reality of the current game industry. GOG and its increasing focus on Galaxy is of course partly to blame, but so are game developers to some degree.

Can I just do an old man routine and say that back in the day the only achievements we had were those we kept track of in our minds, and we were quite happy about that? :P
WinterSnowfall: Can I just do an old man routine and say that back in the day the only achievements we had were those we kept track of in our minds, and we were quite happy about that? :P
Frankly, I never understood the desire to seek validation from gaming. I think whoever is doing it is setting the bar pretty low for themselves.

It's entertainment.

It's there to enrich your life by stimulating your mind, not be its centerpiece. You're supposed to seek validation from genuinely useful social achievements.

In my opinion, the only people who deserve validation in gaming are those who make the games or provide useful services around them (ie, professional reviewers, operators of game stores, etc).
Post edited October 04, 2021 by Magnitus
As long as that dll just sits there and Galaxy is not running, and the game using it is not running with system or admin rights, it's no bigger risk that any other dll software is shipped with. A dll is not an executable file, it's just a bunch of code that can be used by other programs on the same machine. If malware somehow finds a way to abuse the galaxy.dll, your system was compromised in the first place.

Currently the presence of galaxy.dll in offline installers is just bloat. A sign of laziness.

Of course, if they ever built something like online auth into the dll the games check against - that'd be DRM just like Steam.
Gersen: Microsoft didn't block Securom, what Microsoft blocked was the driver part of Securom because, like most drivers, it was running at a very low level and was a security risk, but if you have game using a Securom implementation that don't uses its driver then it will work perfectly fine under Windows 10 and most likely 11. Also they didn't block Flash despite what is said in the OP, Microsoft removed the bundled version of Flash, but if you installed it manually it was still working fine (unless the browser themselves blocked the plugin).

On the other side you have tons of dead applications / clients with tons of security issues and Microsoft never blocked any of them.

And even in the incredibly unlikely even that in the future Microsoft decide to block Galaxy, what they would block would be the client itself, as in preventing it to start, not some random DLL that is only there to communicate with Galaxy.
Thanks for the clarification, +1, that makes sense. I now think I understand your .exe analogy a bit better too.
.Ra: What are your thoughts on this?
Magnitus: I think its a non-issue, because if GOG went out of business, 10-20 years from now, a compatibility layer for old versions of Windows like Wine might become your best bet to run those aging installers which I assume would not implement stringent security measures that block certain dlls.

Honestly, the moment that GOG is no longer slaving away trying to keep their installers (those that the game devs are not maintaining themselves anyways) up to date with recent versions of Windows will be the moment I start looking at my options to fixate a working setup.

Gudadantza: Oh, come on.

"Perhaps people wouldn't be "anti-achievement" if it wasn't for the fact that for you to have this completely worthless feature we had to get a client"
Magnitus: At this point, anything they stuff into Galaxy makes me uneasy, because it make break the offline installers (they don't seem to validate those as well as the Galaxy ones) or otherwise justify putting more of the game's content "online only".

At the very least, achievements force them to put in some security which by definition restricts usage in certain ways (and that is likely to leak into the offline installers in order to keep the code delta low for the offline version). If the achievements weren't there, that security would not be required.
Months ago an user complained about the lack of achievement in a game and I answered that it was not accurate, becuse the game offered achievements in game. He explained that he meant about the lack of "Galaxy" achievements.

In the majority of the cases people who wants achievements do mean about public achievements. Those kind of online trophies that are available to be shown for friends etc and that is managed under Galaxy or other clients.


My personal opinion about achievements is irrelevant, What I mean is that your point of view is so restrictive and overprotective that I am surprised about how some of you dare to be connected to post in a forum for fear to possible security breaches or things like that. Or if you do some kind of debug and temporal quarantine in any game you install because nobody is able to know what is being installed in this app. Or if you are aware about the potential danger of using you money in internet in hypothetical cases.

I think that you are pushing things too far.
Now even the offline installers are suspicious because of a dll only active when you use a client you do not have installed?
