sethsez: Ah yes, I remember the halcyon days of such classics as the Skunny series, (Literally) Impossible Mission, Puck-Man, CD Man, PC-Man, anything ever put out by Acclaim or Accolade, and 90% of the Atari 2600 library. Please, video games have always been a case of digging through dirt to find the diamonds, and for everything that's great you've got dozens (at least) of garage company tripe made to cash in on a recent big release or another half-baked puzzle game nobody actually played. The clones and distribution might look different today, but don't fool yourself into thinking that it was all gold when you were a kid.
I will never understand the grognard mentality of "thing is easier than thing used to be, therefore thing bad and casual now." Yes, I remember the memory acrobatics required to get Ultima VII working back in the day. I also remember how nice it was when it came out on GOG and I bought it, installed it and played it with no additional futzing about required. That's one of the core appeals of this site, and one of the things "abandonware" communities used to make fun of until they realized that nobody actually cared. If someone finds an automated downloader easier, then it's a good thing GOG is offering one. For the rest of us, the website remains as it always has and likely always will. I'm not understanding the vitriol.
nightcraw1er.488: That's fine. you enjoy your world where the seas are filled with disposable plastic waste, half the world is poverty stricken mining or dumping grounds etc. It works both ways you see, there was a lot that was better in the past, but so long as you can play COD20 without having to press any buttons (in fact why not just watch someone else play it on Utube. I remember the whole setup of those things, expanded and extended memory managers, getting drivers to work etc. That hasn't changed, its just been hidden from you, which is why (at least here) there is such a drive to get people to code again as they buy new phones each month and haven't got a clue how they work. So no, I am quite happy with my classics, which a lot are here and one of the reasons why we buy here, which need no client software
I will never, ever understand people who will use any opportunity, no matter how small or unrelated, to bitch about ~the state of the world~. Pad thai turns into Obamacare, a question about the weather turns into religion, and a lightweight automatic downloader app turns into sea pollution and poverty.
If you want to go back to the good old days, get an old computer, clean it up, get the original software from ebay and install and play it the way it was originally intended. You'll be saving stuff from the junkyard and won't be dealing with any modern conveniences. Otherwise, if you're just going to buy from GOG and get some nice pre-wrapped emulated classics on your shiny new computer, you're
already paying for convenience just like everyone else here, so get off your inexplicable high horse.