thanx for all the replies
Neverwinter spent quite a few hours with the diamond edition still have it on disc
bought shadow run and the expansion and while they seen ok i just cant read a game it becomes tedious
same with wasteland 2 I actually had it for the xbone and just traded it to gs cause to much reading
still have TWT 2 for the 360 hmmmm
Elex looks interesting but still $$$$ to take a chance on
have quite a few hours into the whole diablo series never did finish the new necro in D3 just bored with the repetiton
fallout 1 & 2 I would have loved back in tthe day but that much tiny text just kills me
Shadow of mordor was decent did not finish it
Jade Empire was ok but coming off the heels of kotor just no,
Kotor 2 was very very good
Ive tried at least 5 times to get into PS:T
Just wishlisted Startopia HMMMM thanx
Deus Ex just did not care for either
played 3 of the bioshock ok nothing to revisit
tried a few times to get into system shock still have it installed
Shit I forgot about Vampire bloodlines that was a very good game
i have spellforce and would love to play it but i cant read the text ugh
as far as graphics goes if the games is good i can deal with not the greatest but i just cant get into the nostalgia for 8 bit or lower games
I looked at spore back in the day when it came out but i remember the drm being nothing short of horrendous now its here