kalirion: Edit: another of my email addresses has been "pwned" in, among others,
Avast forums. What is it with anti-virus sites and sucky security?
Just for reference:
I see lack of security all the time. A few months ago, I was working with a company that sends overdue notices via a third party via SMS messages. I got curious, fired up a netstat and noticed the data was being transferred insecurely.
I fired off an email to their public contact account as they didn't have a security contact listed.
Their response was to point out that their website had a SSL certificate (Which only rated a C per that test I use over at ssllabs.com) and therefore everything was secure.
A few months ago with a local client I was helping out at, I noticed their checks were being processed over the net with a website that didn;t even have a security certificate. I was told "Well it has a login..."