GeraltOfRivia_PL: Back when video game were starting to gain traction, they were made with heart. Of course, at the end of the day, the people making them were still paid workers trying to earn as much as possible. But they also wanted to make GOOD games.
2 decades on, Baldurs Gate 2, Fallout 2, Metal Gear Solid 2, and others still have so much detail that many modern games can't quite compare. And they were made on FAR inferior machines, with less budget.
I will take Baldur's Gate 2 any day over Battlefield or any other crap game
Nowadays, games have gone mainstream. Many casuals want to play. Games are made not as an art, but as a microtransaction hub. All of it is just an elaborate trap to convince a rich kid to spend 1200 dollars on a skin.
That's why i appreciate people like Hideo Kojima. He knows he makes weird games that won't ever go mainstream, but he doesn't care. He likes what he does.
Is gaming doomed? Have casuals destroyed any hope?
You are counterdicting your self hard core pun intended haha. Your like causal ruined the game, then like well all games are trying to get you to spend huge money on them. No where ever did a causal player of a game go im gonna spend 1200 dollars on the cash shop.
The people who ruined gaming are not main stream causal gamers, hard core addictive peesonallity and cheaters did. You apparantly just got here i guess but back in 1999 people were dumping 100s of thousands on illegal ulitma online, d2 and eq stuff. Developers saw how much they were losing and got into it.
The people spending money on games are not causal players.
So no causal gaming, and more people gaming did not ruin gaming. You apparantly are just upset the majority dont like overly complex games that take hours to learn. IMO all those games you juat mentioned are garbage trash, bg 1 and 2 need over 20 gbs of mods to be any good at all. I never played fallout 2 looked bad from the start, and i dont even know what metal geae soild is other than a worthless console game from the uo age.
Here is a good example, distant worlds is a huge complex game that takes 100 hours just to get a frim grasp of the game. Stellaris is a driect copy of distant worlds, but streamlined amd dumbed down so any one can play it. Did stellaris ruin distant world nope not even close. Did the causal player from stellaris ruin distant world nope. They are making distant world 2. Did stellaris make millions yep, will distant world 2 make millions nope. Does that mean its all ruined nope.
You are just going to the wrong places, ypur arugement is like saying video games ruined board games, for most rhat is true, but there are atill people that partake in board games, and people still make them.