Posted February 04, 2018

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted February 04, 2018

Also I'm looking at you AMD.
Post edited February 04, 2018 by Magmarock

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted February 04, 2018

MS are actively trying to push UWP and deprecate other forms of applications. UWP makes DX mandatory, i.e. you can't use Vulkan from there. That's a clear example of lock-in junk.
Post edited February 04, 2018 by shmerl

Linux Geek
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted February 04, 2018

1. To finally get all of my applications using the same Open/Save dialogs.
2. To make it impossible for badly-behaved games like The Escapists to doodle all over $HOME and $HOME/Documents with their non-hidden folders by locking them into sandboxes which don't allow access to those locations.
Post edited February 04, 2018 by ssokolow

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted February 04, 2018
Regarding sandboxing. I don't think this should be always coming from developers' side necessarily. I.e. there can be some tools that would take a normal bundled tarball and provide an easy way to sandbox it after you downloaded the game.
Post edited February 04, 2018 by shmerl

GOG for Linux
Registered: May 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 04, 2018

A big factor is developer experience. Software done right on Linux will keep working with minimal tweaking required as time goes on regardless of whether it's closed or open source, while software that's done poorly will likely break sooner rather than later. The same is true of Windows, but there's just a hell of a lot more experience and knowledge about which practices are good & which are bad on Windows than there is for Linux, at least when it comes to games.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted February 05, 2018
Also Linux can’t just keep blaming Microsoft for their lack of public interest. Manopolies have been beaten all the time by bigger success in the industry. Sony beat Nintendo then Microsoft beat Sony, again and now Nintendo looks to be back on top. Make something good and people will get it.
Yeah I’ve seen videos from him before. AMD fans and Linux fans have a lot in common. Always blaming the competition instead of taking responsibly. I don’t want to get into a AMD vs everyone but suffice to say. The day that AMD make something good is the day I’ll use it. I put myself first as a customer not a brand. They’re here to serve me not the other way around.

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted February 05, 2018

1. To finally get all of my applications using the same Open/Save dialogs.
reminds me of all the good old gtk/gnome <=> qt/kde fighting, where each side would desperately try to run only applications using their toolkit, so that nothing would dare to endanger the uniform look of the desktop :D
(flatpak seems a total overkill as solution for this)

firejail --private=/home/xxx/.local/share/escapist application
(or something like that)
will launch the application in a container and mount /home/xxx/.local/share/escapist as /home/xxx
firejail --overlay-named=escapist application
will mount a filesystem overlay (overlayFS) on top of the filesystem. All filesystem modifications go into the overlay, which is stored under $HOME/.firejail/<NAME>

Linux Geek
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted February 05, 2018

1. To finally get all of my applications using the same Open/Save dialogs.

reminds me of all the good old gtk/gnome <=> qt/kde fighting, where each side would desperately try to run only applications using their toolkit, so that nothing would dare to endanger the uniform look of the desktop :D
(flatpak seems a total overkill as solution for this)
As for it being an overkill solution, it's MUCH more stable than the infamously crashy old LD_PRELOAD hack named KGtk (not to mention that KDE's dialogs see all KGtk-monkeypatched apps as the same for application-specific bookmarking purposes) and I might as well use Flatpak if I was planning on combining it with Firejail anyway.

firejail --private=/home/xxx/.local/share/escapist application
(or something like that)
will launch the application in a container and mount /home/xxx/.local/share/escapist as /home/xxx
firejail --overlay-named=escapist application
will mount a filesystem overlay (overlayFS) on top of the filesystem. All filesystem modifications go into the overlay, which is stored under $HOME/.firejail/<NAME>

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted February 05, 2018

reminds me of all the good old gtk/gnome <=> qt/kde fighting, where each side would desperately try to run only applications using their toolkit, so that nothing would dare to endanger the uniform look of the desktop :D
(flatpak seems a total overkill as solution for this)

I can see how that can be useful.
tbh I only ever use two bookmarks: one to $Home and one to my permament storage on a RAID system
I put up with doing a few clicks from there to my specific destination.

GOG for Linux
Registered: May 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2018

- Windows Store
- Executable installer (e.g. GOG installer)
- "unzip and go" archives
And on Linux:
- System repositories
- .deb/.rpm/etc. package
- Executable installer (e.g. GOG installer)
- "unzip and go" archives
I personally find it much easier to keep track of everything on Linux than on Windows. Plus Linux has a more rigid structure for user files so it's less likely that configuration files etc. for one piece of software will be shotgunned across a bunch of different locations making it hard to find everything when making backups.

It's true though - you can look it all up yourself if you have any doubts.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted February 07, 2018
low rated

- Windows Store
- Executable installer (e.g. GOG installer)
- "unzip and go" archives
And on Linux:
- System repositories
- .deb/.rpm/etc. package
- Executable installer (e.g. GOG installer)
- "unzip and go" archives
I personally find it much easier to keep track of everything on Linux than on Windows. Plus Linux has a more rigid structure for user files so it's less likely that configuration files etc. for one piece of software will be shotgunned across a bunch of different locations making it hard to find everything when making backups.

I think this little clip from the Simpsons sums it up perfect.
Sorry mate I just don’t care. Either make something good or lose your business.

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 19, 2018
Post edited April 19, 2018 by shmerl