This job requires stealth capabilities for a quick insertion and exfiltration of Santa if needed. It's no easy feat... it has to be custom made! Rain Tear, the Replicant Reindeer! A fit mount for Elvish Presley.
Rain Tear's monologue: "I've seen things... seen things you Little People wouldn't believe. Attack sleighs on fire off the shoulder of Playstei-Shion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a Coca-Cola Ad blinker, and watched Doc-beams glitter in the dark near the Santahäuser Gate. All those moments, they'll be gone.... like Tears in the Rain".
On another note, thanks Doc for a surprise 2nd round! In the context of a smaller entrant scope, I'd like to be in for one of these great options (in order of preference), please:
1 - Death Trash
2 - They Always Run
Have fun, everyone!