timppu: Rather than trying to get x86 games to run on Raspberry Pi, the "focus" should be native RPi ports of games, for those who intend to play on it.
I agree, emulating another system is going to be slower no matter what and the limited speed will get you. Games that have a ARM compiled binary would be best, or games that have a framework that already runs on the Pi and you just transfer the files from say the x86 to the new system.
Though other than say Unity, and a couple Visual Novel tools that support several platforms, i can't think of one that would be as easy to work with.
immi101: Dosbox games have a good chance to be playable as well.
Hmmm with Amiga games being emulated on here, along with some games that are just roms with emulators and DOSBOX games, you'd think they'd have an easy way to extract the files to run on native emulators taking out most of the problems.
Almost makes me wish a number of devs were literally still making SNES/Genesis games and selling them as roms so you could keep easiest compatibility via emulators/Virtual Machines.