AB2012: Stardew Valley stores resolution settings in a file called
startup_preferences in the location
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley. The game saves are stores in a \Saves sub-folder within this.
lupineshadow: Would making that file read-only after setting the desired resolution work to stop galaxy syncing just that file?
Thanks, I will try this and report back here.
StingingVelvet: Not a great solution but when playing on the 1440p computer you could switch to 1080 before quitting. Unfortunate that the save file in the cloud effects such things.
This is what I suggested but my kids are young forget every time.
verlyn13: Any help is appreciated,
AB2012: This is the problem with having Galaxy manage configuration settings and "sync" them. It works if all PC's being synced are the same, but causes nothing but problems when they are different (eg, different resolutions or different family members use different key-bindings, etc).
Stardew Valley stores resolution settings in a file called
startup_preferences in the location
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley. The game saves are stores in a \Saves sub-folder within this.
What you could do is just install the offline installer version (no Galaxy), disable all Galaxy syncing, etc, and have it save locally to above location (set each computer up with same settings and relevant resolution first), then use
GameSave Manager to sync just the \Saves sub-folder but not the parent folder with the settings file, to a DropBox / Google Drive account (and then set it up on other PC's to sync it back). It's more work setting up, but it can be done.
Thanks, I thought of this also, and was going to be my last resort. Other than the resolution settings, the Galaxy cloud saves are easy and convenient.
I also wrote a .bat file that searches the startup_preferences file for the resolution settings and changes them appropriately, then launches Stardew Valley.exe. Then I configured Galaxy to start this .bat file as the game executable. I don't know why, but the game bugs out after choosing a character so I abandoned this strategy.
For what it's worth, the .bat startup file looks like this
powershell -Command "(gc %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences) -replace '(?<=<fullscreenResolutionX>)(.*)(?=</fullscreenResolutionX>)', '2560' | Out-File -encoding ASCII %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences"
powershell -Command "(gc %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences) -replace '(?<=<fullscreenResolutionY>)(.*)(?=</fullscreenResolutionY>)', '1440' | Out-File -encoding ASCII %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences"
powershell -Command "(gc %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences) -replace '(?<=<preferredResolutionX>)(.*)(?=</preferredResolutionX>)', '2560' | Out-File -encoding ASCII %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences"
powershell -Command "(gc %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences) -replace '(?<=<preferredResolutionY>)(.*)(?=</preferredResolutionY>)', '1440' | Out-File -encoding ASCII %appdata%\StardewValley\startup_preferences"
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Stardew Valley\Stardew Valley.exe"