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Woah. I don't know what happened between Ben dming with Se7en (which Se7en leaked) and the eventual ban, but Se7en ultimately revealed their true nature. Over video games no less. All I can say is.. yikes! No idea what they thought that nasty, childish breakdown was gonna do. From getting banned from the Giveaway to straight up breaking the GOG's Code of Conduct. What about SultanOfSuave, are they in okay standing with the Giveaway?

Going forward, it feels like there's an implied precedent being set here. I mean.. again, Se7en showed who they really are (the whole he was "owning the libs" drivel gave me a chuckle btw) but as far as the rules are concerned, it didn't happen on here. Well, it did later on but that was post-ban. Ben is the ultimate arbitrator here so his word is final but I can't imagine everyone being satisfied with that answer. But meh, maybe they don't need to be.
high rated
Thank you BenKii. I'm sorry it had to come to this but I'm hoping Se7en has time to reflect. Peace be with you
high rated
Mixcoatli: Going forward, it feels like there's an implied precedent being set here. I mean.. again, Se7en showed who they really are (the whole he was "owning the libs" drivel gave me a chuckle btw) but as far as the rules are concerned, it didn't happen on here. Well, it did later on but that was post-ban. Ben is the ultimate arbitrator here so his word is final but I can't imagine everyone being satisfied with that answer. But meh, maybe they don't need to be.
Yes, there are some concerns about a precedent, but the reaction definitely proves the decision to have been correct, and with the proof coming basically within moments, there's no room for questioning. Plus that we are talking about someone who was clearly here for free games and pressing the matter to a level that at least matched the worst examples I can think of at the moment. Admittedly, said examples have been greenlighted since, one of them after a previous ban being lifted, but at the moment I for one considered the demanding attitude enough to warrant at least a cooloff period, as in not even allow daggered requests for a couple of months and then start over, redo the eligibility judgement based on what's posted from that point forward.
But, again, that's no longer relevant now as the permaban is 100% justified.
Mixcoatli: What about SultanOfSuave, are they in okay standing with the Giveaway?
That "dirty rat" comment is an eyebrow-raising "yellow card" moment imho, but the warning has been given and it was just a warning, so it seems like it, and probably fair for the moment from where I'm standing.
Post edited 23 hours ago by Cavalary
Mixcoatli: What about SultanOfSuave, are they in okay standing with the Giveaway?
In my opinion, I consider that comment very infortunate but he is always very considerate, even in polarizing/controversial threads, from what I've saw in the past year or so when he started posting or changed his name.

BTW, never interacted directly as far as I remember but I like the nickname and the inclusion of a portuguese word (Suave means smooth/soft).
high rated
Wow, look who finally decided to remove his mask. That was quite the transformation.

He would have cracked sooner or later though. No one who's just pretending can keep it up forever.

Mixcoatli, you can certainly say he broke the impersonator rule. I don't know how that rule is supposed to be interpreted, but he certainly impersonated something.

If you need some kind of moral out of this, it should probably be something like: Don't put on a fake personality just so you can exploit people.
Or maybe even better: Don't just pretend to be nice to get free stuff, try to just be nice instead. It actually takes less effort.

I saw a post in his history where someone on the forum over there was trying to get help getting their microphone to work in a game. His answer? "Plug your mouth into the PC and speak." What's the point of that? Why bother to say something at all?

Noticed in the chat he posted that he accused us of trying to get him "canceled". (Who talks like that by the way?)
Most of his post history has been deleted now, so it looks more like he's been "canceling" himself.

I'm not at all a part of the so-called "cancel culture". Sure, people should have consequences for their actions, but I'm more than capable of separating art from artist. How else would I be able to enjoy Lovecraft's works? He wasn't exactly a paragon of humanity.
If you weed out all the drunks and syphilitic enjoyers of ladies of the night, you won't be left with many of the classical authors or artists either.

Anyway, this is probably the first time he's ever had to experience any consequences for his actions while hiding behind a computer screen. I was going to say I hope he'll learn something from it, but looking at what was posted in the other thread makes it hard to believe.

Have to admit I laughed pretty hard when I saw he'd been back and edited out the word gay from his post. That's where the line went? That's what made it too much, the rest was fine?

Think I'll pass on the r*pe. Thanks though.
Just this. Also, it's good to search for the whole scene, how it happened, if you haven't seen it.
high rated
After reporting Se7en_Bullets recent abhorrent comments to the GOG staff, he has now been permanently banned from the forum and said comments removed. It's sad to see this kind of event play out like this but it's for the best.

As for any other bans, I don't see the need for it as long people continue to respect one another and don't go down the path Se7en_Bullets traveled.
Can we please remove the self-vetting, and re-instate the host being the one doing the checks?
ThatGuyWithTheThing: Can we please remove the self-vetting, and re-instate the host being the one doing the checks?
That's just a way to help BenKii find posts in case they don't show up on search, or just to save time with the search, it's still his call whether the linked posts result in being eligible or not.
I hope this is the last I have to post about the matter, but his public profile has gone through quite the roller coaster today.

First there was more insulting, hateful comments towards both BenKii, myself, and all Community Giveaway members.

Then he went through a full-on "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" phase.

And now it's back to apologizing and pleading, in fear of losing access to his account altogether.

"It's just a misunderstanding"


Anyway, hope everyone has a nice day. Stay safe

(I've blacked out some strong language, and a moderation decision he posted in public.)

Edit: blacked out a private chat message he posted too.
hateful.jpg (149 Kb)
so_sorry.jpg (371 Kb)
Post edited 19 hours ago by (ø,ø)
Cavalary: That's just a way to help BenKii find posts in case they don't show up on search, or just to save time with the search, it's still his call whether the linked posts result in being eligible or not.
I'm not disputing that. I would, however, like to underline the fact that this change has resulted in low effort threads or posts by people who otherwise only show up during giveaways. These threads are just a way of reaching their quota. This has been especially true in the case of the recently perma-banned user.

To clarify:
If the host, or a helper (yes, I'm volunteering), take that role, then most freeloaders would be oblivious of their posts. By telling users to send in proof, they can create the proof in order to produce it as evidence.

*disingenuous proof
Post edited 19 hours ago by ThatGuyWithTheThing
People can see his profile for themselves, posting pictures seems like a victory lap. Those who act and react the way Se7en_Bullets did have deeper problems and deserve pity for the issues they no doubt experience in rl. Such outbursts deserve the swift and just action of the moderating team so the rest of us can move on. As for SultanOfSuave, despite the heated language it's clear from their posts their intention and manner was sincere. I hope they extend an apology to you and that be the end of the matter.
I just wanted to thank BenKii for his work.I have not follow the problem, so I cannot give my opinion about it, but I suppose that it was time-consuming and it was not pleasant. It seems that BenKii tried to give an opportunity, and I would also like to thank BenKii for having this positive behaviour to new members. People can change, if you give them the chance
high rated
Stiffkittin: People can see his profile for themselves, posting pictures seems like a victory lap. Those who act and react the way Se7en_Bullets did have deeper problems and deserve pity for the issues they no doubt experience in rl. Such outbursts deserve the swift and just action of the moderating team so the rest of us can move on. As for SultanOfSuave, despite the heated language it's clear from their posts their intention and manner was sincere. I hope they extend an apology to you and that be the end of the matter.
If people see the apologies currently posted on the page, I think they should see what was posted earlier the exact same day too, not to be fooled again. Thank you for your input though.