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trentonlf: UGH! Man I hate role discussion, on Day 1, even with a semi open setup like we have it grates on me. Roles are not what we need to focus on but people's behavior and actions. As for discussing roles bringing someone to the brink of a lynch and them claiming is how most Day's work, but the way you stated it is that you wanted to get multiple people close to lynch so they could claim and we choose the one that we feel is lying. With 14 people in the game the odds are you helping scum more than Town by doing that. The goal is not to get claims but to get scum to trip up and make mistakes.
I meant more just getting even ONE player to claim, and in general I meant we should try to not waste time and have to rush at we all saw how that played out in the last game.

All I want is for us to not muck around so we have enough time to spare & we can change course if need be, basically.

trentonlf: Gym, you have grown as a player and I like this mindset as it is a very accurate description of how things often happen. I also agree that scum can use this against people that are set in certain ways, I've done it in that past myself as scum. If you're Town trying to figure out who is attempting to manipulate others is what should be your goal instead of trying to get people to claim.

I don't know if you're role fishing or just believe getting people to claim their roles is what's best, but I can't get behind role claiming it rubs me the wrong way.

Vote GymHenson
Thanks for the compliments.

Also make sure to read the above and also Post 299 as it seems you(and maybe others) have confused what I meant when I suggested to claim earlier.
trentonlf: UGH! Man I hate role discussion, on Day 1, even with a semi open setup like we have it grates on me. Roles are not what we need to focus on but people's behavior and actions. As for discussing roles bringing someone to the brink of a lynch and them claiming is how most Day's work, but the way you stated it is that you wanted to get multiple people close to lynch so they could claim and we choose the one that we feel is lying. With 14 people in the game the odds are you helping scum more than Town by doing that. The goal is not to get claims but to get scum to trip up and make mistakes.
GymHenson: I meant more just getting even ONE player to claim, and in general I meant we should try to not waste time and have to rush at we all saw how that played out in the last game.

All I want is for us to not muck around so we have enough time to spare & we can change course if need be, basically.

trentonlf: Gym, you have grown as a player and I like this mindset as it is a very accurate description of how things often happen. I also agree that scum can use this against people that are set in certain ways, I've done it in that past myself as scum. If you're Town trying to figure out who is attempting to manipulate others is what should be your goal instead of trying to get people to claim.

I don't know if you're role fishing or just believe getting people to claim their roles is what's best, but I can't get behind role claiming it rubs me the wrong way.

Vote GymHenson
GymHenson: Thanks for the compliments.

Also make sure to read the above and also Post 299 as it seems you(and maybe others) have confused what I meant when I suggested to claim earlier.
Ok, I agree rushing at EOD is for sure the wrong way to lynch someone as it often leads to a mislynch. So who do you think we should push to claim and why?
trentonlf: I don't like your apology at the end of this post, it feels off. If you're Town you should never apologize to someone if you think they are scum as out goal is to find them and lynch them.
Of course I'd lynch anyone I think is scum without hesitating; that's why I voted him. The apology is to blotunga the person, not blotunga the player. He was lynched early last game too.

Like you apologised post-game for NKing me last time you were scum. You'd still do it of course if it's in the best interest of your win-condition, but you apologised to the person who keeps getting NKed early.
Pookina: 1. Scum may make decent claims, obfuscating their tracks. AFAIK this is a closed setup with some ideas thrown here and there in the signup thread.
2. Since it's a closed setup, we can't just massclaim to crack the mystery like you would in a semi-open system.
1. Wrong, actually...per the OP post:

"This is a semi-open role madness game. It may contain some non-standard roles in addition to normal roles. Some normal roles may also be modified. A discussion of possible non-standard roles can be found in the signup thread."

2. I wasn't suggesting or asking for a mass claim....just that we get a player to claim early enough so we can decide if theyre viable or not with enough time to spare...unlike last game.

Pookina: 3. Scum. Get. To. Know. Everyone.
Which is why we need every advantage we can get, and why we need to not waste time like last game.


@Trent-Post 302: Tbh I have very little to go on i'm ok with near anyone(obviously want to give the newbies a pass from lynch for the "day", but I am not too opposed to getting them to at least claim as they could be scum as well).

If I had to pick specific players:

ZFR has been focusing on me an awful lot as of late, but that is likely them tunneling...though wouldn't be opposed to getting them to claim.

Any of the ones who seemingly didn't read the OP post also pique my interest a bit as well.

Other than that I have next to nothing atm.
Pookina: He has these bad ideas, but he just entertains them publicly.
GymHenson: If so, how is getting players to claim range so we can make a more informed choice for lynch a bad idea(overall and also compared waiting until EOD and rushing to get a lynch though same as always)?
I explained twice why getting people to claim on D1 is a bad idea. Why do you keep asking the question if you're just going to ignore the answer?

It doesn't make "a more informed" choice lynch. If the person is Townie scum get much more useful information than Town. If the person is scum, any claim he makes will be false so we won't be making a "more informed choice."

Claiming early is bad.
ZFR: I explained twice why getting people to claim on D1 is a bad idea. Why do you keep asking the question if you're just going to ignore the answer?
I'm not ignoring people's answers....I just weigh things differently than some others do.

Also I ask others as I want to get the differing opinions from those that I ask that question.

ZFR: Claiming early is bad.
And imo waiting till the last minute and risking a possible mislynch through rushed voting is worse.

(Btw as said to others: I was not asking for nor suggesting a mass claim...just that we don't muck around till the last minute with picking someone to possibly lynch, like last game)
Hunter65536: Correct me if I got it wrong but it seems like your main issue with GH are
- Seemingly opportunistic vote on blotunga
- Proposed claims on day 1

Am I missing something here?
No, you're not missing much
In addition279 gave me scummy vibes, but they're more just a general feeling. I like how GH claims he "That is part of why I mix it up in how I play" only to contradict himself next post that he always plays this way.

Hunter65536: If GH is scum, do you think he would risk going against what's generally considered kosher here? (wrt claims)

(Except for him it wouldn't be "risk". The concept is alien to him)

Engerek01: I guess not knowing the previous games does have its advantages. I can see everyone from above, from an unbiased, naive perspective.
Absolutely. It's the best part of being a newbie. Enjoy it - you won't get it again.

GymHenson: (Btw as said to others: I was not asking for nor suggesting a mass claim...
I. Know. That. Already.
And I've already replid: Any claims are bad on D1. Going for a single claim is bad. You're just giving scum more info.
ZFR: (Except for him it wouldn't be "risk". The concept is alien to him)
I know about risk....I am just willing to take some. If we win, great...if we don't, then I had fun anyways.

(But then that's another thing I don't get: some taking the game so seriously, as if there's a gold trophy on the line)
(Of course that's not to say I don't want me or my team to win....I do's just not as important to me as it seems to be to others)

ZFR: I. Know. That. Already.
And I've already replid: Any claims are bad on D1. Going for a single claim is bad. You're just giving scum more info.
And? Why not take a risk and hope for a reward? Why play it safe every single time? Does town win every game or even the majority even when we play it so safe?
Pookina: Yeah, I'm not a fan of this post. And this is without ZFR's post about him.

It feels like a weak attempt to shade ZFR based on a post with little to no substance. You know, one that has an obvious joke attached. "First two days should be long enough to get to know each other. Speaking of knowing each other, hi, I'm ZFR and I'm Town."

Vote blotunga
GymHenson: Hey I thought we were all still in the random voting period of silliness? Not doing that anymore then? Okey dokey then.

(Jokes aside, I am willing to vote near anyone but the three newcomers Engerek-Hunter-Bucktooth[wanna give them the D1 pass as per tradition]...and the sooner we get someone to claim so we can see if it's a viable lynch choice, the better. As such, I likely will cast a vote for the highest wagon sometime today, and then pray we can get them to claim range....and not procrastinate to get claims till EOD every "day" like last game)
So did you think we were still in the "random voting period" or not??

Vitek: On the other hand I find Pooka and GH to be very opportunistic with their vote, so it certainly helped me form some read.
GymHenson: There's little to go on atm(for me to pick up on, at least) and we need to get people to claim range at some point.....or would you rather we all sit with our fingers up our collective posteriors until 24 hours(or even 12 hours) before deadline & scramble to lynch someone each "day" like last game?

Pookina: Pls xpln why

I find it really hard to play this game. Don't vote and people call you out for sitting on the fence or lurking. Do vote and it's called opportunistic. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
GymHenson: Imo it'd be more a scum move than a town one.

I mean why would a town want people to dither around till the last minute and risk a possible mislynch due to EOD voting scramble?

That said, i'll stick to this wagon as we need to get people to claim and wagon hopping won't help with that.
More fearmongering

Vitek: There are other thing in-between doinh nothing and voting as soon as case is presented against someone.
GymHenson: Problem is if we wait until a "good"(to you or anyone) case is presented to start building wagons...especially on D1.....time will likely be in short supply if we need to change course.

I say (on D1 at the very least) get people to claim range and then pick the most viable lynch candidate.

Even more fearmongering

dedoporno: Hunter isn't really a newcomer, he's a returning player. He may not be a regular participant like most of our cast but is quite capable and doesn't deserve to be cut any slack whatsoever.
GymHenson: Thanks for the correction....I will add hunter to the "would lynch D1" pile then.

dedoporno: Obviously the odds between games are irrelevant (I'm sure Lift would be telling you so if he was playing :P). And it should be obvious that in most normal games a player is statistically more likely to be Town than scum. I know you put a smiley at the end of this question and is probably not meant to be absolutely serious but the decision to include it at all as one of the arguments behind joining the wagon weirds me out a bit.
GymHenson: As I sorta said above/before....if we wait on D1 until we have a case to start building wagons, we might end up scrambling at EOD.

To avoid this, imo we should try to get someone to claim range and then decide if they're a viable lynch choice or not. On D1 we have little to go on usually, so one player is near as good as any other.

(Well beyond the newcomers who i'm giving the usual D1 slack)

dedoporno: Pooka and GH still feel off.
GymHenson: Suspect who you want.

That said, should we suspect anyone who builds ANY wagon before the 24 hour mark before EOD or what?
Even point is made.

I'm sorry for the wall o' text.
GymHenson: And? Why not take a risk and hope for a reward?
I told you the concept of "risk" is something you don't understand...

There is no reward in getting claims. We either give info to scum or get false info from scum. Lose-lose.

GymHenson: You mean the wanting to get people to claim range on wagons so they claim early and we can have more time to pick the right lynch candidate?

The same thing i've done in several other games before this?
Yes, exactly. The same thing you've done in several other games. You sticking to the same "mold". How about you trying something different for a change? Don't worry if it doesn't work out, there is no gold trophy on the line.
trentonlf: I don't like your apology at the end of this post, it feels off. If you're Town you should never apologize to someone if you think they are scum as out goal is to find them and lynch them.
ZFR: Of course I'd lynch anyone I think is scum without hesitating; that's why I voted him. The apology is to blotunga the person, not blotunga the player. He was lynched early last game too.

Like you apologised post-game for NKing me last time you were scum. You'd still do it of course if it's in the best interest of your win-condition, but you apologised to the person who keeps getting NKed early.
Ok I see where you’re coming from, but when I initially read the post the apology seemed off because I couldn’t understand why you would feel the need to apologize to someone for thinking they were scum and wanting to lynch them.

Pookina: 1. Scum may make decent claims, obfuscating their tracks. AFAIK this is a closed setup with some ideas thrown here and there in the signup thread.
2. Since it's a closed setup, we can't just massclaim to crack the mystery like you would in a semi-open system.
GymHenson: 1. Wrong, actually...per the OP post:

"This is a semi-open role madness game. It may contain some non-standard roles in addition to normal roles. Some normal roles may also be modified. A discussion of possible non-standard roles can be found in the signup thread."

2. I wasn't suggesting or asking for a mass claim....just that we get a player to claim early enough so we can decide if theyre viable or not with enough time to spare...unlike last game.

Pookina: 3. Scum. Get. To. Know. Everyone.
GymHenson: Which is why we need every advantage we can get, and why we need to not waste time like last game.


@Trent-Post 302: Tbh I have very little to go on i'm ok with near anyone(obviously want to give the newbies a pass from lynch for the "day", but I am not too opposed to getting them to at least claim as they could be scum as well).

If I had to pick specific players:

ZFR has been focusing on me an awful lot as of late, but that is likely them tunneling...though wouldn't be opposed to getting them to claim.

Any of the ones who seemingly didn't read the OP post also pique my interest a bit as well.

Other than that I have next to nothing atm.
Who do you think didn’t read the OP? Do you think that not reading the OP indicates alignment?
flubbucket: So did you think we were still in the "random voting period" or not??
I believe at that point I thought perhaps it was a bit of both, depending on the person.

flubbucket: Fearmongering.

More fearmongering

Even more fearmongering

Even point is made.
Well yes, in a way it is.....I want to make sure town doesn't get caught like the last game.

If you saw the prior game and the rush to vote at EOD each "day" and my reaction to it then, you'd likely get why I am pushing against such rushing at EOD now.
Lifthrasil would editing Roleplay only posts be a Nogo to for correcting marks and/or making it clearer what is exactly ment in them?
ZFR: There is no reward in getting claims. We either give info to scum or get false info from scum. Lose-lose.
With the claim we have something extra to judge a potential lynch candidate, and we can then set it beside their prior posts and make a decision.

Also we have to get a claim from someone at some point.

Would you rather it be with maybe 6 hours before EOD with half the players offline, or when we have more time to adjust the lynch choice if need be?

ZFR: Yes, exactly. The same thing you've done in several other games. You sticking to the same "mold". How about you trying something different for a change? Don't worry if it doesn't work out, there is no gold trophy on the line.
Beyond that (not wanting to get caught having to rush at EOD, which seems like common sense) and some other things I have tried changing it up in other ways/aspects, though.

Also I don't worry much.....well not about winning forum mafia anyways.
(Though it is nice when it happens, and I still would like my team to win)


(Bump needed to make one more reply)
I bump now with saying, that I have no real person in sight for Lynch and will follow the others if there is a consens.