Pookina: 1. Scum may make decent claims, obfuscating their tracks. AFAIK this is a closed setup with some ideas thrown here and there in the signup thread.
2. Since it's a closed setup, we can't just massclaim to crack the mystery like you would in a semi-open system.
1. Wrong, actually...
per the OP post: "This is a semi-open role madness game. It may contain some non-standard roles in addition to normal roles. Some normal roles may also be modified. A discussion of possible non-standard roles can be found in the signup thread."
I wasn't suggesting or asking for a mass claim....just that we get a player to claim early enough so we can decide if theyre viable or not with enough time to spare...unlike last game.
Pookina: 3. Scum. Get. To. Know. Everyone.
Which is why we need every advantage we can get, and why we need to not waste time like last game.
@Trent-Post 302: Tbh I have very little to go on atm....so i'm ok with near anyone(obviously want to give the newbies a pass from lynch for the "day", but I am not too opposed to getting them to at least claim as they could be scum as well).
If I had to pick specific players: ZFR has been focusing on me an awful lot as of late, but that is likely them tunneling...though wouldn't be opposed to getting them to claim.
Any of the ones who seemingly didn't read the OP post also pique my interest a bit as well.
Other than that I have next to nothing atm.