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GymHenson: Forgive me if I still have my
1. I mainly recall you doing it when scum(though of course my memory is shoddy, so you might've done it while town)
2. You've been lurking a lot...not posting much at all
3. I have to suspect anyone not confirmed town somehow.
Low activity has always plagued me as both sides of the aisle. Just ask any of the players here. Especially in 2020 when I did get a job. Turns out, balancing a 9-to-6, 6-day workweek job with so many other things is not really easy. A game of Mafia? That requires a way high level of commitment even by these lurky standards.

Also, I wasn't here in the last game nor have I even observed it, if you're talking about the Harry Potter themed one. You're talking about the wagon analysis idea as if you have suggested it as a Mafioso in that previous game, am I correct in that assumption?
Pookina: Low activity has always plagued me as both sides of the aisle. Just ask any of the players here. Especially in 2020 when I did get a job. Turns out, balancing a 9-to-6, 6-day workweek job with so many other things is not really easy. A game of Mafia? That requires a way high level of commitment even by these lurky standards.
Sorry if you're truly busy and just don't have the time for playing the game much....I and the other town just got caught with our pants down in the last game by the lurkers, so obv. I am looking at all lurkers a bit more as of this game(like yourself and Catte and such).

Pookina: Also, I wasn't here in the last game nor have I even observed it, if you're talking about the Harry Potter themed one. You're talking about the wagon analysis idea as if you have suggested it as a Mafioso in that previous game, am I correct in that assumption?
No, I mean in past past games other vet players started to slowly convince me that ANY wagon was good so we could analyze I pushed for any wagons we could get during the last game(though I was pushing for lynch of those I suspected first and foremost, including some who later turned out to be scum), and they were all town players.

And then hardly anyone performed any worthwhile analysis after said wagons.

That is why I am starting to be a bit wary of the "we'll analyze the wagons" line of thinking in general, seeing as it was hardly done during the last game.
my name is vaughlte catte: Carefully crafted for what purpose?
flubbucket: It seems like an attempt to appear town as well as say something without actually committing to a specific position.

With that in mind remember I said it wasn't a good feeling. The initial reading of the posts gave me pause and I wanted to document it while it was fresh. Whether is has any merit is what I will hopefully discern over time.
Those posts were pretty much me documenting my thought process. I did take a position though, which was that Trent's claim should self-resolve and therefore it should be believed for now.

my name is vaughlte catte: If he's scum, it'd be a pretty bold false claim at this point.
JoeSapphire: Is there a better role to claim? vanilla doesn't protect you...

oh yeah, thinking about it it's risky that it might get disproved. Hm. okay yeah good point catte
It's not just the risk of counterclaiming, it's also the fact that he's claimed a role for which there should be evidence in the future. It should be hard to fake that claim down the road, which makes it likely to be true.

trentonlf: Same questions for you. What are your thoughts on how GH has been acting this game and his continual hinting of a PR that is harmful/helpful for Town? Who do you suspect and why?
I mean it is in character for GH because it's a trait he shares with his good buddy GR. As for what motivates it in this particular game I have no ideas. I slightly suspect flub, the way he threw a little non-committal shade my way felt like an attempt to start something without being seen to start it... if that makes sense. I could just be feeling OMGUS.
my name is vaughlte catte: I mean it is in character for GH because it's a trait he shares with his good buddy GR. As for what motivates it in this particular game I have no ideas. I slightly suspect flub, the way he threw a little non-committal shade my way felt like an attempt to start something without being seen to start it... if that makes sense. I could just be feeling OMGUS.
While yer here: What do you think of Pooka's post 602 and 609?
(both seeming to hint that pooka wants me lynched for wagon analysis...even if town)

Also what do you think of Pooka's vote for me?
"The End is neigh" Vote Count

(I found an internet, so I have time to check in before the final deadline)

GH 3 - trent (298), blotunga (491), Pooka (612)
Vitek 3 - Catte (20), Korotan (416), Engerek (465)
trent 1 - flubb (468)
Joe 1 - Vitek (462)
flubb 2 - ZFR (534), Joe (552)

Not voting: Hunter, GH, dedo, bucktooth
GH and Vitek tie at L-5

A few hours left (between 2 and 6)
Regarding handyman as a 'Safe Claim' Is it that safe?

scum: I'm handyman
town: who you use your power on?

scenario one:
scum: microfish?
microfish: I'm vanilla :(
scum: sweet

scenario two:
scum: gogtrial?
gogtrial: I'm a power role you lie
scum: noooooooo

scenario three:
scum: bler. shame bler got killed last night and can't confirm. dang dang dang
town: a likely story! To the gallows with you!

scenario four:
scum: my scumbuddy
scumbuddy: yup, true dat
town: lol let's lunch them both just in case


my point is that it may be safe that no-one can counter claim it, but even if mod give me that as a safe claim I'm not sure I would go with it.

blotunga: Vote count

GH 3 - trent, blotunga, Pooka
Vitek 3 - catte, korotan, Engerek
Flubb 2 - Zfr, Joe,
Trent 1 - flubb
Joe 1 - Vitek
^ my vote should be on flub so I FTFY

also updated for pooka's vote

is that four people haven't voted? Gym, Bucktooth, dedo and hunter?

what are we doing guys? deadline looks to be somewhere between an hour and 7 hours away. gog's timestamps are hard to interpret.

I reckon vitek probably town. I love it if he isn't and is deliberately reverse-buddying me. oh I hope it is so!

Does Gym attempt to take the lead on the game so much as scum? I dunno anything's possible.

I don't vote trent because handyman has a chance of being confirmed/countered when it comes to action.

I don't want to vote Joe because he's town and also he's pretty cool

My reason for voting flub isn't great, but he's in my Pool Of The Uneliminated (POTU - yass hunter) and he's got vote on so VOILA
flubbucket: Well trentonlf stated himself in post #516 the possibility of "accidentally helping scum" existed.
Obviously. So can the Town Doctor who protects the scum from a non-mafia kill. Or a Town Cop who clears a Godfather. Or a Town Vig who kills another Town. There are a number of roles who can accidentally aid the scum rather than the Town and these are just the normal ones. We have a list with special roles that is even more extensive. Mr Handy can massively empower any side. There is a Scout who can also help either side, same for Power, same for Gaudy Bard, same for Coward. I stopped looking there. By the looks of things a bunch of potential roles can be work in favor or against us depending on the Nightly context.

flubbucket: Well trentonlf stated himself in post #516 the possibility of "accidentally helping scum" existed.
It doesn't bother me at all, as a matter of fact it's honest which I like. The whole claim and his reaction are plausible so the only possible issue I have with it is whether Lift supplied fake claims or not.

flubbucket: This comment is specific to bucktoothgamer stating "it just looks like a quick attempt to find someone to wwitch you vote to".

I voted trentonlf for reasons I have clearly stated and at the time it was a viable wagon.
Sure, but what about now? I believe you are still voting him which tells me you are not buying his claim. The fact that you specifically mentioned how his supposed power can be a problem for us looked like an argument in support of getting rid of him, sorry if I misunderstood that. So, do you not buy the claim and why not? If you do buy it why are you still voting?

ZFR: It was mentioned by yogs some time ago, then I believe it came up during trent's role madness and my last game when the whole Slytherin claim came up.
Right, it was Yog.

GymHenson: Remember to vote soonish....we have very few hours left(Around 6-10 or so, depending on per Post 560).

Well unless you think it best we go with nolynch, that is?
No-lynch is not good but as of writing this I'm still not settled on who I want to vote. Still a bunch of posts to go through, though.

GymHenson: If Trent picks poorly and gives scum a second night action a nolynch might not be such a bad thing...especially if Trent's pick is scum and scum then gets two NKs.
If Trent isn't a liar and is what he says he is he can just not use the power if he isn't sure who he's helping.

I kind of had to skim through the last few posts on page 13 as I'm running late but not a whole lot happened in there other than Pooka's vote on GH.

I feel GH is Town and Pooka was my other suspect from before. I do agree that Trent's claim can only be fake in case it was supplied by the mod but I don't think Lift would do that (could be wrong).

vote Pooka

Right now I don't have anything better. I want to see more of catte and Joe, and Korotan but that won't be Today as I have to run. Sorry guys, you'll have to finish this without me (or with me if anyone else thinks Pooka is a good option).

Good luck to all!
Unvote: trentonlf
Just had time to skim and chime in. I might have to go offline (kids and such) so here's my take. I don't like how pooka just showed up, made some excuse about lurking (which might be true) and then voted GH which right now after reading all the arguments I feel there is some merit in the theory that is town.

unvote GH

I think I'm ok with lynching pooka, but I want a bit more context. Until then I'm holding back, I'll check back in 30 minutes or so.
JoeSapphire: Is there a better role to claim? vanilla doesn't protect you...

oh yeah, thinking about it it's risky that it might get disproved. Hm. okay yeah good point catte
my name is vaughlte catte: It's not just the risk of counterclaiming, it's also the fact that he's claimed a role for which there should be evidence in the future. It should be hard to fake that claim down the road, which makes it likely to be true.
well that's what I mean by vanilla doesn't protect you:

town; my lunch you trent muhahaha!
scum: uh oh! better get to work
[action music]

scenario one:
scum: I'm role 1!
town: no you're not I am
scum: lol

scenario two:
scum: I'm role 2
town: none of us are that so we believe you now forever
scum: sweeeet

scenario three:
scum: I'm vanilla [action music fades and everybody looks sickened. scum is lunched.]

GymHenson: Also what do you think of Pooka's vote for me?
pooka, weren't you saying before " don't lunch gym because if gym's scum he'll slip up and some point and get lunched probs" or something like it?

why vote gym and not vitek or flub?

JoeSapphire: an hour and 7
okay, two hours and six hours. thanks for confirmation lift, sorry I didn't refresh before posing guys.
EBWOP: By getting high in post 615, I did not mean taking illicit substances.....obv I meant votes. o.0

JoeSapphire: is that four people haven't voted? Gym, Bucktooth, dedo and hunter?
Well I haven't voted as I don't have my ducks in a row re: my suspects list(my notes are a mess, some with my brain, atm), and we have little time to get someone to claim.

I guess I could post a vote, though, and see what comes of it...o-k then:

Vote Vitek

(He has one of the two highest wagons, has been a bit elusive in replying to me[iirc], and also this is totally not pay back for the past game)

JoeSapphire: what are we doing guys? deadline looks to be somewhere between an hour and 7 hours away. gog's timestamps are hard to interpret.
Lift said 1 to 6 hours in the last vote count, I believe.
EBWOP: 2 to 6 hours til deadline, is what that should say

dedoporno: Sure, but what about now? I believe you are still voting him which tells me you are not buying his claim. The fact that you specifically mentioned how his supposed power can be a problem for us looked like an argument in support of getting rid of him, sorry if I misunderstood that. So, do you not buy the claim and why not? If you do buy it why are you still voting?
And interestingly enough, Flub drops his vote 5 minutes after this post, with no other words but the unvote.

(Just pointing this out, as it seemed a bit odd to me)

dedoporno: No-lynch is not good but as of writing this I'm still not settled on who I want to vote. Still a bunch of posts to go through, though.
Skip towards the end if need be, or skim a bit, if you have too many posts(but skim carefully if you do so)....remember we have only 2-6 hours left.

dedoporno: If Trent isn't a liar and is what he says he is he can just not use the power if he isn't sure who he's helping.
Well unless he has some modifer where he had to use it every night....but then Trent likely would've told us this during his claim.

dedoporno: I feel GH is Town and Pooka was my other suspect from before. I do agree that Trent's claim can only be fake in case it was supplied by the mod but I don't think Lift would do that (could be wrong).
Am on Vitek atm, but am willing to switch to Pooka if need be, if the wagon gets high enough.
(To at least get a claim....btw sorry Pooks)
Coming down to the wire now. I know there were some unvotes for GH since the vote count, so Vitek and flub are the leading lynches right now. I dont want to end the night without giving my input: I agree that Vitek has been a bit of a ghost, but I would be hard pressed to find anything they posted that really concerns me. I know that they just unvoted trent after being confronted about it, but flubs vote for trent in the first place did seem a bit opportunistic following mine then joe's(could be argued that joe's vote was opportunistic as well, but I'm looking strictly at the two that already have wagons going). It also may have only been a passing comment, but I don't like the idea of pushing townies with night actions into the "neutral" box. I also found it a little strange that they decided to point out two posts from catte out of the blue when it was clear the trent vote wasn't going anywhere.

vote flub
I'm ok with flub lunching too, I still don't see what people find so scummy about Vitek's play as nothing stands out. But I have a hard time reading him anyway. So I'm not really keen on it for now. Except if peeps change my mind. Will try to read in a bit later.
GymHenson: I must've missed your post where you said that, or the bit where you said it....could you point the post out, perhaps(post number I mean)?
I told you it the reason you ask for it is horrible. I was done with it by then because I knew you would draw it out into meaningless argument.

GymHenson: What about now? Is this explanation lamist?

(I am half serious here....sometimes I just can't tell in full or in part what might be lamist)
You have no idea what LAMIST means, do you?

Hunter65536: Quick question - what do you make of dedo? I don't particularly remember anything about his posts and he's no newbie by any means so it ticks me as weird.
I find him mostly the same as in previous game where he was town so he is mostly fine in my books so far. Not one I would be willing to lynch Today.

GymHenson: Vote Vitek

(He has one of the two highest wagons, has been a bit elusive in replying to me[iirc], and also this is totally not pay back for the past game)
I wasn't elusive, I was straight up denying you.
Also thanks for showing you don't care at all why some wagon exists.

GymHenson: So you come back from almost record breaking lurkiness to say "even if GH isn't mafia, we should totes lynch him anyways cuz wagon analysis"?

Really really for reals? o.0

+10 scum points to Pooka of possibly scum house

(Jokes aside, I wouldn't find this so laughable if: 1. You had been posting more....usually you lurk a bunch when when we were scum in the one game iirc. and 2. The fact that we had wagons to analyze in the past game and hardly no one offered much analysis)
Says the one who clearly stated several times last game that he doesn't mind if lynched is town or mafia, only if it allows other players to analyze the wagons.