First of all, sorry Pooka for doubting you. I was wrong but to be completely honest I likely wouldn't have believed your claim even if I were around when your wagon picked up near the deadline.
Bummer about Vitek and his role - I was looking forward to see how that would play out in case Lift decided to actually use it.
ZFR: I was visited by an Infector this Night I'm not sure how I feel about it but OK.
GymHenson: ~ so the group decided to leave messages at a set location where anyone could find them and then deliver them. I had felt the task might be interesting....and someone had to do I took up the mantle. I knew it! I was going to send a dick pic to Joe but I didn't see Lift's note that there is a limited time for sending mail and it was up by the time I got to it on the next day.
blotunga: Why would scum send a message to scum?
WIFOM? Also they can try to send false information or just waste the shot considering it appears to be one per night. But I agree it seems like the least likely scenario of the bunch I can think of.
GymHenson: How so? Scum know their own names, and all the names of the town players, already.
Wait what?? How do the scum know the names of all Town players? I know only my name and the names of Pooka and Vitek.
GymHenson: I know town usernames......not the names OP assigned people.
Never mind.
JoeSapphire: courier can be aligned to either faction so it doesn't necessarily clear Gym, but with one scum murdering vitek and another reportedly infecting ZFR...
blotunga: Btw the sniper and infestor I think wouldn't try to send him a message as two kills and an unknown courier would have exposed them. So that leaves the other two possible scum at most and likely the rest of the town
Good point but technically it can be more WIFOM and again a waste of the power. A scum getting doubled up can decide not to kill or whatever they are doing twice but at the same time that means some Townie power also doesn't proc twice which is a good deal for the scum.
GymHenson: And I suppose we're going with the assumption they ALL messaged Trent only to tell him their PRs so as to ask for him to use his power on them?
I wouldn't have so maybe it's not a good assumption to make.
JoeSapphire: we don't know for certain that there is a sniper.
Uhm, we do know for certain, don't we?
JoeSapphire: but was your deadline for submitting night actions noticeably early? did you have to choose within 12 hours of dusk or something like that?
I think it was early as my message to you was rejected when the night was only halfway done.