Klumpen0815: It looks as though you're quite into WINE by now, which is good.
Do you know of more upcoming WINE-packages on Gog since you seem to be handling the configs pretty well anyway?
I like the few pre-configured packages with specific WINE versions that are around here.
They are way better than play-on-linux, because they are working offline and it's easier to choose the games destined location.
One with out of the file (box) working midi-music for System Shock would be grand as well as one with working music for Banished (PoL has a configuration for GoG's installer but the music doesn't work).
Yes, I am into WINE but it's mostly because I like experimenting and seeing if I can make things work and I hope that my experimentation helps others out here as well :)
I am hoping we'll get more WINE-packages but as to whether we can or will depends on individual publishers' whims on that front since, in the end, we can only sell what we are legally allowed to sell.
As for System Shock, I would request that of Night Dive, it's their baby and they built the initial Windows version we have on offer here :)
As for Banished, I heard rumours that there is a native Linux port on the way or at least it would appear to be possible. See this blogpost by the dev: