lagncheese: Wow... 11k+ lines of BASICish code, that is something you don't see very often nowadays!
Long as it's not 8bit BASIC.
Though honestly anymore all languages are very similar, just a difference in syntax and library layout, otherwise writing in them usually is about the same in all of them.
Though it's been a long time since i did Qbasic or Visual Basic... Since Microsoft moved to .NET all their languages fall under the same umbrella using the same library calls for almost everything. Or that's the impression when i looked around with C# back in 2012.
lagncheese: I mean... There is some nostalgic charm about old languages, so many cool shareware games and demos was done in basic back in the days. There is even some active modern implementations like FreeBASIC and PureBASIC.
But when it comes to development speed, maintenance or re-use... today it just not relevant for so many reasons.
Typically interpreted languages are fast to prototype/debug, but slow on execution. Though simple tasks you never really to get much further than that.
And if you work in a linux environment, almost all languages support SheBang #!, which lets you make a script effectively run as though it were a compiled program. (
Well calling anyways, not speed)
To do SheBang add #!/programpath to the first line, and when the commandline finds it, it executes the program pushing the script as the first or second argument. This allows you to just chmod +x somescript.bas and Viola run it! There's a lot of scripts that run this way...
Timboli: Don't be fooled into thinking that AutoIt is an old Basic language. It is not really a Basic language at all, but does share some similarities. While it has been around a while now, it is still maintained and works fine on Windows 10 and will no doubt still do so on Windows 11 and beyond.
AHK effectively is AutoIt v2, but with a lot of added features, and for free. Though they basically added a whole different language on top of it making it closer to a programming language and less scripting.
Anyways, this project looks promising. Might look into it in more detail later.