greeklover: In what form is the Overwatch key? If it is from the humblebundle monthly bundle, is it an unclaimed gift link or an unrevealed key / download page?
It's an unredeemed Humble gift link. I guess the recipient needs a Humble account, and then attach their account to it in order to be able to redeem the game there. I should've probably mentioned that. :P
greeklover: You can have better luck trading it on steamtrades,
your wishlist has mostly unbundled games, and people generally don't trade them for bundled games, but you can surely get something like Deus Ex Mankind Divided or Pillars of Eternity or Wasteland 2 Director's Cut or Abzu.
I haven't traded much games, and have never put much thought into it, but that's quite reasonable, yep. I'm not too keen to create a new account (or to link my Steam account to yet another website, for that matter), but I'll see if I can get something for the game there. Thanks for the tip! :)