omnivore.807: My point was since the powers that be take away your Gauntlets after the final battle, they can not make the transfer from game to game, so your strength will not be artificially inflated. I suppose you could Enlarge one of your party members before making your final save, and I don't know what would happen.
dtgreene: Except that there isn't anything preventing you from doing the transfer while you still have the item.
Also, when the item is taken away, do you lose the strength it provides, or does the game let you keep it (assuming you had it equipped at the time)?
That's true, you could attempt the transfer before you finished the game. I don't know what would happen.
When the item is taken away you do lose the strength it provided. Apparently the powers that be don't think you need 18/00 strength to start DKK, although you could artificially boost all your fighter classes to 18/00 at the start of the game with the Modify feature if you were so inclined.
omnivore.807: Can you remember how you did it from from Secret of the Silver Blades to Pools of Darkness?
Gydion: Forgotten Realms Collection I didn't see that thread, and I did look for it. Thanks for the link.