Posted November 09, 2016

Bring 'em on!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Italy

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted November 09, 2016

Some other people with a minimum of culture tend to situate and contextualize a bit better the concepts and notions that keep popping up in his rants. And that are extremely tracable.
I was basically referring to that many people are reacting with f.ex. hostility just because someone uses a world, without considering the whole picture the other person was trying to communicate. The connotation of worlds themselves has only a meaning when we subjectively put then in a context based on our own experience or conceptions. Just hours ago someone got cough up in the word "liberal"... and it was the downfall of everything, when I mentioned Kennedy.
Some doesn't like the word "globalization" either and reacts to it like it's the enemy :)
Besides, it's about semantics; some say new world order, some say globalization, and some say it's a winged "American Dad".
Control and propaganda comes in many forms and sizes. Sadly, once in a while there comes a person and twist things around. But he apparently does have one thing partially right - human culture do seem to repeat in cycles, like a sinus wave: Stable and prosperity v Unstable and violent. Middle east has fewer years before the next big phase.
Post edited November 09, 2016 by sanscript

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Registered: Mar 2015
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Posted November 09, 2016
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Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted November 09, 2016

Given his actions and his cynicism, I suspect that, no matter their differences of motives, Trotsky's hands being less bloody than Stalin's is mostly a matter of circumstances.

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Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted November 10, 2016

As an "ABC" voter this election (the behavior of both Clintons back in the 1990s helped me to decide that I didn't really identify with either party, and I'm not the only Gen X'er who feels that way), I'm also not certain that I would have voted for Sanders. As an example, I'd be happy to see 18-year-olds who have busted their butts off in high school to make the grades get some help to earn a degree in something with a real career path, but I have no desire to pay for someone who wants to slouch around for four years drinking and smoking weed to excess and doing the absolute minimum necessary to not flunk out while they "find themselves". And knowing how Washington works, that's the way that program would probably end up functioning, no matter how well-intentioned its creators.
Well on the "free college" idea, that's one of those things where I feel the good far outweighs the bad. Sure there will definitely be some, umm... inefficiencies.... and I remember (fondly? hah...) my college days also (Gen Xer here too). But to have an overall far better-educated public? Hah, you know what, I think if we had that we wouldn't have a President Trump today. Personally I think the positives are so great there (all around, not just in political sense), that I'd put up with a small amount of people gaming the system as a trade-off.
Agreed 100% here, that is certainly the biggest take-away from this election.

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 10, 2016
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i love jews. i guess i would love a NWO where everything is actually in order, according to plan, and not wildly fucked up in every way.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted November 10, 2016
Because in this case we do have the whole picture. We've been reading Kingsbradley's drivel for ages, on the GOG forums. Each piece of the puzzle that give its meaning to the next piece is already there.

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
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Posted November 10, 2016
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Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted November 10, 2016

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-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
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Posted November 10, 2016
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Perilous Pooh
Registered: Dec 2010
From Portugal
Posted November 10, 2016
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That seems like a self-evident truth, yes.
And there we have it, even now, while the dust is still settling. The unwarranted, high horse-riding arrogance that so disgusted the people you sneer at and foisted a siege mentality upon them. Looks like your only takeaway from this election is the one that keeps your worldview and narrative safe ("people that voted for the candidate I don't like are morons!"), and you learned nothing from it. Somehow, I'm sure they didn't seem "imbecilic" to you when Obama was elected.
And there we have it, even now, while the dust is still settling. The unwarranted, high horse-riding arrogance that so disgusted the people you sneer at and foisted a siege mentality upon them. Looks like your only takeaway from this election is the one that keeps your worldview and narrative safe ("people that voted for the candidate I don't like are morons!"), and you learned nothing from it. Somehow, I'm sure they didn't seem "imbecilic" to you when Obama was elected.
they knew the leadership had already decided the thing beforehand, and they'd be fighting against the party from the get-go. Only a select few were willing to take all that on.
The select few? Like that venal sellout who sold his soul to the devil and hanged his people out to dry? Willing to take in is more like it - meaning a cushy sinecure and a pat on the bald pate. If the Dems had run Sanders, who had the same kind of "outsider cred" as Trump, minus the side-helping of idiocy and authoritarianism...
...but plus the side helping of starry-eyed idealism, terrible presence and absolutely zero cred as an accomplisher of things. I don't believe he could have won it without them. They created the perfect storm that allowed some zero-experience zero-intelligence reality star buffoon to win.
And, after almost two years, you insist on doubling down on these baseless notions and refuse to learn from reality. More unwarranted arrogance and dunning-krugeresque estimation of the capabilities of a man who singlehandedly upended an ossified electoral process, fought and fended off his own party, the national and international media and the unrelenting, no holds-barred smearing psyops of the entire establishment for a year and a half. But yeah, he's an inexperienced, zero-intelligence buffoon. Makes sense. It has to, otherwise there goes your narrative, right? 38%, I believe, was the number of Trump voters who said they don't like him and their choice was a "lesser of 2 evils" thing. Nobody thinks "evil" about Sanders, even those who disagree with him.
No, they think "pusillanimous sellout" and "walking pipedream that talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk". Rather than handing the presidency to Trump, Bernie woulda handed him his ass
The only ass he would have handed Trump would have been the DNC's donkey for him to whip as if it owed him money. Much like Hillary did. So Trump fans, toast the DNC today as you celebrate your win. Without their game-playing we'd be talking about president-elect Sanders today.
That's a rather short-sighted, tendentious analysis of this gruelling, historic election. But whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose. Having said the above then, the reason people were so susceptible to believing any number of nasty claims about Clinton was because of that intense anger towards the establishment.
Sure. It had nothing to do with her track record and what she actually did do. Partisan dishonesty helps no-one, least of all yourself. Bottom line there: never doubt the ability of someone to believe something they *want* to believe, however far from the truth it might be.
That's fair. Are you prepared to acknowledge that the same applies to the manifold baseless canards, misrepresentations and outright lies Trump was pelted with throughout the campaign?
-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 10, 2016
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Registered: Mar 2013
From Serbia
Posted November 10, 2016

But let's see, maybe Putin and Trump can become best buddies (same mentality if you ask me) and they will decide the fate of the world for the next years. Then you do not need to worry much about Europeans most probably.

Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted November 10, 2016
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they knew the leadership had already decided the thing beforehand, and they'd be fighting against the party from the get-go. Only a select few were willing to take all that on.

If the Dems had run Sanders, who had the same kind of "outsider cred" as Trump, minus the side-helping of idiocy and authoritarianism...

I don't believe he could have won it without them. They created the perfect storm that allowed some zero-experience zero-intelligence reality star buffoon to win.

38%, I believe, was the number of Trump voters who said they don't like him and their choice was a "lesser of 2 evils" thing. Nobody thinks "evil" about Sanders, even those who disagree with him.

Rather than handing the presidency to Trump, Bernie woulda handed him his ass

So Trump fans, toast the DNC today as you celebrate your win. Without their game-playing we'd be talking about president-elect Sanders today.

Having said the above then, the reason people were so susceptible to believing any number of nasty claims about Clinton was because of that intense anger towards the establishment.

Bottom line there: never doubt the ability of someone to believe something they *want* to believe, however far from the truth it might be.

You motherfifer
I oughta give you a fucking beer
That was righteous as a thunderstorm smithin' the tyrants of our age
Here, I am just glad he is in power, makes my job easier to get into the country since we cannot support our family anymore here and we want to get the VISAs