cr0t0: Dungeon Siege(only STEAM) excellent action RPG!
I finished the retail version months ago, since the Steam version is missing the expansion pack.
It was kinda ok and easy to play, but I have to admit it was very repetitive at times and even boring. Not much really changed throughout the whole game. Even though you got a bit better equipment all the time and faced increasingly more powerful enemies, it just felt exactly the same throughout the game. I couldn't even tell by their looks that the monsters near the end of the game were somehow more dangerous than some early monsters in the game, even though they were.
Even the locations seemed pretty much the same. Sometimes you were in a forest, then some desert, then some jungle, then some tundra, then some snowy hills, then some beach, then some forest which looked exactly like the earlier forest, repeat... There weren't really places which stuck into your mind, it was all generic.
Also one thing I didn't like about the game, just too much loot. It is as if each and every killed enemy dropped like 5 items or more, and after every battle you'd go through 50 items lying around, which to take, which to keep, which to turn into gold in that spot with a specific spell, etc. I presume the excessive amount of loot added to the game was due to the multiplayer?
I feel the best thing about the game was that the user interface and gameplay system to me felt very well thought out, taking out or automatizing things that made sense. So in that sense it was a joy to play. Like that "turn item into a money (or a potion)"-spell that I mentioned above, it was a good addition to the game as it lessened the need to constantly run to town stores in order to sell excessive loot (which you would still be doing a lot).