HypersomniacLive: Please tone it down, and do some reading - different cultures and religions around the world, have their own celebrations and holidays this time of year.
Memecchi: Everyone and their mom is aware of other cultures, but that doesn't mean we should silence our own, you can wish a Happy Christmas while also acknowledging other celebrations "and for those who don't celebrate christmas, happy holidays!" see? pretty easy
Exactly! Those would've been perfectly phrases wishes, thank you!
Grizznelda: ...
lubwak: he Happy Holidays bs. You either have an identity or you don't.
Grizznelda: I just want you to remember, what at this timeperiod you say as a polite person to others you meet at the counter of a shop etc. in Poland. Translate it literally into english and you get happpy holidays. So what is all you said above about?
I know usually literal translation is not very good to use. In this case it feels well, although at first glance, maybe not fitting, because usually you hear merry christmas.
It's not a good translation though. The problem is this happens to be the only holiday that is neutered in its name like this. There is a very good reason why GOG and similar companies are making sales atm and that is thanks to a very *specific* tradition and only that very specific traditions has been consistently been language-neutered.. Again, nobody's forcing anyone to join the celebrations, it is just about wishing somebody a good time froma VERY specific point of view and background. Rejecting one's traditions and roots does not make you better - it just makes you weak.That void is always filled with something, whether it is another tradition or political ideology.
I have written all of that because it is a spreading phenomenon based on wrong preconceptions and ideas. I have atheists friends still celebrating Christmas as a tradition, not a religious holiday, which is always one's personal choice based on personal beliefs, regardless of what I might think about it.