Breja: - Galaxy- don't want it, don't care for it, makes me nervous about possible DRM in the future (yes, I am somehwat paranoid in that regard, we've established that already), don't like how it was (is?) included with some games without note and installed itself without warning
My experience with AVP definitely was hampered by its integration with Galaxy and I was not very happy with them over that. Gave me some trouble, but eventually I got it to play without going through the Galaxy stuff.
In general I am rather content with these guys. I like the Star Wars, I like the Warner Bros., I still want more games that are hard to find, DRMed elsewhere. Still, they're doing pretty well here. I kinda miss some of those Nordic games, but I bought the ones I wanted already.
Don't care for the movies as of yet. They don't work for or against me. Maybe that will change.
Redesign... Meh, I got used to it. Not fond of it, but used to it.
Community section could be better. Like seeing where I may have been downvoted (I swear I lost a point or two as of late), a list of my threads, etc.
Overall, I am pleased with the site and will probably depend on them for my future PC gaming needs.