dtgreene: With there being some games that are massive in size (to the point where my small laptop's drive wouldn't be able to fit one of these games even without an OS taking up space), I'm wondering how much of that space is taking up by the code. In other words, if you get rid of all the assets and just look at the size of the .exe and .dll files and any files with shader code, how much space do those take up?
(This is motivated by such games as Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Zero Dawn, which take up way too much space.)
Makasouls: It is the vocie files basically. A good example would be no man sky for instance, it has modern graphics ect, huge worlds, but 0 vocie acting the games 12 gbs. Than take eso with full vocie acting on everything 100 gbs.
The higer quailty the vocie acting file is the more space. If you took away textures and vocie the game would be like 1gb.
Another good example is a mod for skyrim called requiem it litterally changes all the code in the game its like 600mbs. There is a npc mod that adds vocie acting but almost np code changes it adds over 3 gbs.
ESO takes up 74.5GB, not hundred and the English VO takes 9.43GB. So like other posters have noted, your theory is incorrect, and it's not the VO which bloats up the games in most cases, it's the textures and other things. Also it's possible to keep only one language VO files (in ESO's case), so if anyone also has FR/GER etc, they can delete them without affecting the game. However nowadays the game should install only the selected language VO files and not all of them like before, when people had to delete them manually.