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I’m trying to make some friends to play with and stuff like that if you want to add me you can and I’ll add y’all back I’m just trying to be friendly.
What games do you have in mind, that perchance have a multiplayer element?
Why do you need friends to play online? Just hop into some public servers and play against total strangers.

I don't personally know any other people who play online e.g. Team Fortress 2, and that is fine or even preferable because

a) I don't have to agree to any schedules when my friends are free to play, I can play any time I want.

b) Since I don't know the other players, I am free to use profanities and overall being vulgar against the other players, like calling them asshats and dickweeds, among other things.

As I keep saying online: "I am not here to make friends, but enemies.". It has worked just fine thus far.