LootHunter: Ah, I see. It's just not many people differentiate between messaging and propaganda.
I wouldn't even class it as messaging, unless that's how you choose to see it. I can skip or ignore those bits ... especially if someone else has already gone to the trouble to do that for me (i.e Life Of Brian).
Despite all the religious mumbo jumbo, there is actually a reasonable story in there ... Fantastical if you like.
LootHunter: So, basically, you think it's not the greatest story ever told but the most influential story ever told?
Well, greatest doesn't necessarily mean best. Greatest can be size of impact ... greatest reaching etc ... greatest influence.
Anyway, I wasn't the person or persons who coined the term 'Greatest Story Ever Told' in relation to the Bible. I kind of just used it to illustrate it is much more than just a religious document ... there is a real story in there ... if not actually real in a holistic sense.
So whether I would be interested in the demo or not depends on whether it is just a story, which could be good, or whether it is being used to further propagate religious belief, which would be bad in my view ... I don't want preaching at, which I will go out of my way to avoid.
Lifthrasil: And if course it is one of the historically most important books due to its impact.
Actually I have read all major religious works, out of interest. I don't believe any of it, but it is very interesting and offers insights in the different cultures. But as much as I like the Bible, I still think that the Edda is more entertaining.
Indeed. We are talking about the history of mankind right there.
If you want to understand humanity, then religious belief and related is one big entry point.
I'd go even further and relate it to the capabilities etc of the human mind.
amok: I have read both the old and new testamant. 'They' are wrong, It is not...
You just love posting those shallow one liners don't you. :P
I guess no-one can accuse you of substance abuse. ;)