Nadruk: You mean >vidya games< right? I wouldn't say they literally kept me alive but they do make my existence more bearable. Like books. Like movies. Like TV series. I mean most people only live one mediocre life, how cool is that that we are able to turn off our lives in the evening and just be a guy with lightsaber, sword or gun, or just be a detective looking for clues on a murder case without a worry in the world.
I'm right there with you.
I've been disabled since Nov 24, 1999 and without computer games I'm literally skeptical I'd still be here as at some point with all of the pain and depression... well you know.
Oh, and I do mean COMPUTER games. IMO (once again for everyone IN MY OPINION) computer games offer much more depth and options than console games. I've played with several consoles and it just seems to me that computer games offer so much more, especially for strategy type games. But again, that's all IMO, YMMV.
And yeah, I'm with you too. I love playing these games. In fact, I get in a bind because I'm playing so many different ones at a time that I have hard time choosing which one. lol. Like right now I'm in the process of playing:
Fallout 4
Fallout (1)
Motorosport Manager
Lords of the Realm (almost done, only have 7 more counties to capture)
Worldwide Boxing Manager
Tennis Elbow Manager
Eschelon Book 1
OOTP baseball (always playing this)
lol, I've gotta cut back some.