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I have been trying to install GoG Galaxy client. I have downloaded the latest version from the official link on

The first time I tried to install it, it displayed an error along with a missing .dll.

I installed the missing dll, however the client still wouldnt run, coming up with Stop error dialog and an error code. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, tried a different directory, a system cleanup followed by a reinstall, a windows update.. but no matter what I do, I cannot run the client.

I have read through the gog galaxy support pages too.

The dialog box error is attached.

Any help or other things I could try would be much appreciated, thank you.
This question / problem has been solved by BKGamingimage
What dll was missing and how did you install it? Usually dll issues are because of needing vc_redist. Support page is here:
BKGaming: What dll was missing and how did you install it? Usually dll issues are because of needing vc_redist. Support page is here:
Hi, thank you for your reply.

It was the MSVC140.dll. I manually installed it but later tried the redistributable from the support pages you mention. it tells me it's already installed.

BKGaming: What dll was missing and how did you install it? Usually dll issues are because of needing vc_redist. Support page is here:
gamr1uk: Hi, thank you for your reply.

It was the MSVC140.dll. I manually installed it but later tried the redistributable from the support pages you mention. it tells me it's already installed.

You shouldn't manually install dll files so I would remove what you added, and try to re-install vc_redist. If on 64bit windows, make sure to do both listed on the support page.
gamr1uk: Hi, thank you for your reply.

It was the MSVC140.dll. I manually installed it but later tried the redistributable from the support pages you mention. it tells me it's already installed.

BKGaming: You shouldn't manually install dll files so I would remove what you added, and try to re-install vc_redist. If on 64bit windows, make sure to do both listed on the support page.
Ok, I've removed the .dll - I am not able to install the redist package. I've attached a screenie.. it says it's already installed and to remove, go to add/remove programs, but i can't find an exact version match to remove :/

Redist log file here:
Post edited October 04, 2018 by gamr1uk
BKGaming: You shouldn't manually install dll files so I would remove what you added, and try to re-install vc_redist. If on 64bit windows, make sure to do both listed on the support page.
gamr1uk: Ok, I've removed the .dll - I am not able to install the redist package. I've attached a screenie.. it says it's already installed and to remove, go to add/remove programs, but i can't find an exact version match to remove :/
Hmm looks like it because 2017 is a binary-compatible in-place upgrade of the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.

So perhaps try to re-install the 2017 vc_redist?
BKGaming: snip
Ive added a link to the redist log file in the previous reply if that helps.

I'll try to remove 2017 version now, thanks again.
gamr1uk: Ok, I've removed the .dll - I am not able to install the redist package. I've attached a screenie.. it says it's already installed and to remove, go to add/remove programs, but i can't find an exact version match to remove :/
BKGaming: Hmm looks like it because 2017 is a binary-compatible in-place upgrade of the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.

So perhaps try to re-install the 2017 vc_redist?
You Sir, are a Legend!

Thank you, removing and reinstalling the 2017 redistributable solved the problem :D thank you very much.
gamr1uk: You Sir, are a Legend!

Thank you, removing and reinstalling the 2017 redistributable solved the problem :D thank you very much.
Lol, happy to help. Glad that solved it.