Posted November 02, 2021
In the Galaxy client settings, there's a checkbox to enable recording the time spent playing games (it's called Game Time Tracking, under Settings -> Game features). And if that checkbox isn't selected, then no playtime is logged.
It seems logical to me that if a person decides they don't want their playtime logged, then no time-played records should appear. But if unchecking the box after some playtime is already recorded, no additional playtime is recorded, but past recorded playtime still appears in the client.
Is there a way to delete playtime that was recorded before a person unchecked the Game Time Tracking box? If there isn't, I would like to see an ability to do that added.
It seems logical to me that if a person decides they don't want their playtime logged, then no time-played records should appear. But if unchecking the box after some playtime is already recorded, no additional playtime is recorded, but past recorded playtime still appears in the client.
Is there a way to delete playtime that was recorded before a person unchecked the Game Time Tracking box? If there isn't, I would like to see an ability to do that added.
Post edited November 02, 2021 by delicieuxz