Posted May 21, 2016

Personally, I don't care if someone is naked regardless of their gender or sexual identity.
Likewise I don't care if someone sees me naked regardless of their gender or sexual identity.
Hopefully one day this non-issue will be treated as such and there will be single showers/bathrooms for all.

i can be short about that:
like you said: i also dont care if some one runs, walks, or fly by naked.... i wont show myself naked cause i wont do that,
but if people, men. women should want to walk nude or with very little clothing, then everyone should also respect that.
The only thing that would be unwise, is to leave your doors open, and expect no one will clean your house :D hahahaha, but thats only logical to close and lock the doors.

I couldn't care less if adults are naked in front of each other or what they're showing.
I just don't want it to be legal for a middle-aged man to shower next to an little girl! Hell, they shouldn't even do it in front of little boys, but at least boys know that what they're seeing is just a bigger version of what they have.
It's STILL wrong and inexcusable, but there's nothing I can reasonably do there other than demanding security in each & every public toilet or shower.
that is not okay, but i guess thats up to the ones who run that business to keep things safe.
I read that many more are installing cameras, even in our country some supermarkets seem to have them or want to install these, maybe these are for their own security, i am not sure of that, but i read it a long time ago in a
But now i come to think of it: it seems cams also need to be connected to a network aswell, and nowadays anyone seems to tap the networks (cause apparenlty the safity is like shit) allowing any intruder to see what the camera's see, i dont know, the last few years too many shit is hitting the fans, we heard bad news in the 80s but i must admit that the last decades things got out of hand and i am afraid it will ony get worse,
Post edited May 21, 2016 by gamesfreak64