Posted May 22, 2016
low rated

When did I say it's ok for any adult to flash their junk to children? Why are you saying I did? What is YOUR agenda here?
My point is, you stated, and I quote: "I'm talking about "adults" flashing their junk to children of the opposite sex & getting away with it."
You're issue seems to be that you are concerned about men going into women's toilets and flashing girls. You expressly mention in the quote above, that you are concerned about adults flashing their junk to children of the opposite sex (my question initial question was, why are you not concerned about men flashing their junk to children of the same sex -a4plz' tongue i cheek question was what about children flashing adults).
Men have been able to go into men's toilets and flash little boys for decades, why are you not concerned about that? Why are you only concerned about men flashing girls?
Women have been able to go into women's toilets and flash little girls for decades, why are you not concerned about that? Why are you only concerned about women flashing boys?
A man can go into a playground or a school or a park and flash a girl there. What makes toilets so different?
I don't understand the logic of your complaint.