Posted May 28, 2016
low rated

Protect them? The sissies who complain all the time “This too hard, that too hard”, I beg your pardon! When I was a lad, when I lost a ballgame, I didn't get a “participation ribbon”, I didn't get dinner! “Winning is not everything, it is the only thing” my old man always said! Words of wisdom my friends, ballgames do matter, winners become glorious leader of men and losers get nothing, such is the circle of life! Complaining changes nothing, just get over it!
By the way here is a fun fact, I never lost a ballgame, just talking about a hypothetical situation, a “what if” scenario.
I also have the suspicion that the “unlucky to get caught by a predator” children are not native children, must be foreigners, possible illegal aliens! Native children are much smarter. Sooo typical, the parents clog our social systems, their children clog our toilets and of course, white knights in shining armor are actually defending this. All for facebook likes from some ugly feminists. Madness, I say!
We need glorious leader of men, not sissies who can't win a ballgame, there is only one solution! Let them play on the autobahn! The surviving boys will undoubtedly turn into glorious leader of men! Girls must play too, we need strong girls too! Let's be honest for a second, standing the whole day in the kitchen preparing food for your glorious husband is hard work and requires strong legs! So the autobahn is our only hope for saving our civilization!
But I can already hear your responses “I live in a county with no autobahn :-(“. Sigh, such an uncivilized country you live in. But here is the solution, build an autobahn. Preferably using child labor, much cheaper this way and character-building for the little rascals. Character-building and autobahn-building, that is a classic win-win situation if I ever saw one!
Then the children can play and the surviving boys will turn into glorious leader of men and the girls will become great cooks!
On a somewhat related note, let's not forget this is a gaming forum after all, hitting children on the autobahn reminds me of some kind of “reverse Frogger”, a beloved classic game. You control your car and instead of frogs there are children on the road, what a great concept! No matter who you are, or where you are from we've all found this forum, we got that in common, so we all agree gaming is fun! Everybody can play it could turn into some kind of national hobby.
Of course poor people, who don't own cars, or environmentalists will not play but don't get me started on those! Poor people and environmentalists, ughhh, I almost hate them as much as sjws!
Now I'm not a newbie on the internet, I know about the difficulties of detecting irony/sarcasm in the written word, so a few of you might ask me “Surely you can't be serious” so let me quickly respond to that.
I am serious and don't call me Shirley!
There are *so* many problems with your post. In orde:
1. Your use of that three-letter acronym. People whom that acronym is intended to describe do not generally use that, so your term "self-proclaimed" is not correct here.
2. You being insulting to "sissies". Consider that that term is derogatory, and you are also being sexist in using it. (Essentially, you are implying that femininity is bad.)
3. You are also insulting immigrants here.
4. Feminists are not, by definition, "ugly". There are, in fact, feminists who are quite beautiful; just like there are non-feminists that are. (Also, this is insulting to feminists.)
5. You are also insulting the poor and environmentalists.
As I said, your post has way too many problems.

And frankly, who the hell do you think YOU are to tell parents what they can an can't do with their child? Notice how you choose not to address the fact that people grow out of these feelings, like the post Gnostic linked which talks about a woman did not fit in with the "girl" click but learned it was the not fitting in which was the problem and not that she wasn't a girl, or the trans friend who told her how he regretted undergoing a change. How you continue to claim that young children somehow have these rights over their parents is beyond me...
David Reimer does prove that forcing the wrong gender identity on a child can lead to disaster. The fact that he was cisgender is beside the point, actually; if he were a trans man who was raised as a girl, there would be similar issues.
If you want a specific case involving a transgender person, just look at Leelah Alcorn, a trans girl who committed suicide as a result of parents forcing her into a male role to the point of being abusive.
The suicide rate is staggeringly common among trans people; it's 41%. Yes, *forty-one* percent. That is *really* high. (Note that the rate decreases *significantly* after hormone treatment and surgery.)
Post edited May 28, 2016 by dtgreene