nstgc: Downloading via lgogdownloader not working.
I'm on Arch Linux and tried downloading KotOR. I had lgogdownloader-git installed from the AUR, but there was, as usual, a issue with boost. This typically means I just need to compile it again. So I first compile and install the stable version, lgogdownder. This didn't work. [code]$ lgogdownloader --list --game knights
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
what(): stoi
Aborted (core dumped)
I then install the tried-and-true lgogdownloader-git. I run the program again, and it works, listing KotOR. I then try to download it with --download but...
$ lgogdownloader --download --game knights
Getting game names (2/2) 60 / 60
Getting game info 1 / 1
2017-Mar-03 19:16:05 [Thread #1] Begin download: setup_sw_kotor_2.0.0.3.exe
2017-Mar-03 19:16:05 [Thread #0] Begin download: setup_sw_kotor_2.0.0.3.bin
2017-Mar-03 19:16:05 [Thread #2] Begin download: sw_kotor_manual.zip
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #1] Download complete (Failure when receiving data from the peer): setup_sw_kotor_2.0.0.3.exe
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #1] Finished all tasks
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #2] Download complete (Failure when receiving data from the peer): sw_kotor_manual.zip
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #2] Finished all tasks
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #0] Download complete (Failure when receiving data from the peer): setup_sw_kotor_2.0.0.3.bin
2017-Mar-03 19:16:06 [Thread #0] Finished all tasks
#0: Finished
#1: Finished
#2: Finished
I would be interested in output of "lgogdownloader --download --game knights --repair --verbose"