Posted August 15, 2015

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted August 15, 2015
Git version now has support for gogdownloader:// urls (
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,...
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,..
Git version also supports specifying output filename (-o, --output-file) when downloading single file with --download-file
This means that it's now possible to use lgogdownloader as download agent with makepkg.
DLAGENTS+=('gogdownloader::/usr/bin/lgogdownloader -o %o %u')
Useful for those who are using AUR (Arch User Repository)
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,...
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,..
Git version also supports specifying output filename (-o, --output-file) when downloading single file with --download-file
This means that it's now possible to use lgogdownloader as download agent with makepkg.
DLAGENTS+=('gogdownloader::/usr/bin/lgogdownloader -o %o %u')
Post edited August 15, 2015 by Sude

Penguin trainer
Registered: May 2011
From France
Posted August 15, 2015
Something not specific to lgogdownloader, but when I have lots of downloads to queue, a nice CLI-only solution I've found is task-spooler ([url=][/url]/), that allows to queue commands to run 1-by-1 or even n-by-n, keep track of their exit codes, outputs, etc.
It works quite well to run lgogdownloader, and it's probably already packaged for your favorite distro ;)
It works quite well to run lgogdownloader, and it's probably already packaged for your favorite distro ;)

Registered: Jun 2013
From Denmark
Posted August 17, 2015
I am trying to compile LGOGDownloader from source, but I keep hitting a problem where the linker says that there are an undefined reference to `boost::filesystem::detail::status'. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with g++-4.8 (and all dependencies installed, including libboost-filesystem-dev). Any idea why this happens?

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted August 18, 2015
Having had a chance to play with this, it looks like it's platform-priority that isn't working for me any more, and --platform wasn't either until I removed the platform-priority line from my config. Can anyone else check this out and confirm?

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted August 18, 2015

Rather than just listing the file name, I'm getting what appears to be the contents of the XML file related to it. It does appear to be downloading anyways, but it is a tad strange.

Now that I think of it, I do remember accidentally typing a command in that I don't normally use for compiling. Can't recall what it was, but that's probably it.

Free Mars!
Registered: Jul 2009
From Germany
Posted August 20, 2015
First of all, thanks for building a Linux downloader that has many features the official Windows GOG Downloader is missing.
One question I have, how do I set the --subdir-dlc option to the same path the offical downloader uses. I.e. for the Strike Suit Zero Raptor DLC the official donwloader uses strike_suit_zero_raptor in it's own directory, not in the directory of the main game. I've tried some setting like ../%dlcname% and ../%gamename% and stuff like that, but so far no luck. An option that showed me what path lgogdownloader uses when checking with --status would help finding the right config.
One question I have, how do I set the --subdir-dlc option to the same path the offical downloader uses. I.e. for the Strike Suit Zero Raptor DLC the official donwloader uses strike_suit_zero_raptor in it's own directory, not in the directory of the main game. I've tried some setting like ../%dlcname% and ../%gamename% and stuff like that, but so far no luck. An option that showed me what path lgogdownloader uses when checking with --status would help finding the right config.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted September 01, 2015
2206e98 Initial support for using platform/language strings to set options
This allows you to use language/platform codes defined in globalconstants.h to set the values for --language, --language-priority, --platform and --platform-priority
in addition to those values it also has a special case "all" which unsurprisingly enables all languages/platforms
for example:
--language en,de
--platform-priority linux,win
--platform all
This allows you to use language/platform codes defined in globalconstants.h to set the values for --language, --language-priority, --platform and --platform-priority
in addition to those values it also has a special case "all" which unsurprisingly enables all languages/platforms
for example:
--language en,de
--platform-priority linux,win
--platform all

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted September 01, 2015

This allows you to use language/platform codes defined in globalconstants.h to set the values for --language, --language-priority, --platform and --platform-priority
in addition to those values it also has a special case "all" which unsurprisingly enables all languages/platforms
for example:
--language en,de
--platform-priority linux,win
--platform all
Also, it would be good to make it osx instead of mac for consistency, but in order not to break things may be it can be extended rather than replaced.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by shmerl

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted September 02, 2015
I'm currently working on adding regex strings to the options struct and changing Util::getOptionValue to use those regular expressions. This should make it very easy to add new values that it recognizes.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted September 02, 2015
b4fd9fc Use regular expressions for getting language and platform option values
Selecting languages with --language and --language-priority
- Whatever code GOG happens to use in their API (mostly ISO 639-1)
- ISO 639-1
- ISO 639-2/T
- ISO 639-2/B
- English name
Selecting platforms with --platform and --platform-priority
- Windows: "w, win, windows"
- Linux: "l, lin, linux"
- Mac: "m, mac, osx"
Selecting languages with --language and --language-priority
- Whatever code GOG happens to use in their API (mostly ISO 639-1)
- ISO 639-1
- ISO 639-2/T
- ISO 639-2/B
- English name
Selecting platforms with --platform and --platform-priority
- Windows: "w, win, windows"
- Linux: "l, lin, linux"
- Mac: "m, mac, osx"

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted September 02, 2015

Could the reaction to timeouts resume the download instead of restarting it, like a manual interrupt/resume do?
(sorry for the noise if it has already been done in git)
d8c6670 Fix retry on timeout
Post edited September 02, 2015 by Sude

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted September 02, 2015

Selecting languages with --language and --language-priority
- Whatever code GOG happens to use in their API (mostly ISO 639-1)
- ISO 639-1
- ISO 639-2/T
- ISO 639-2/B
- English name
Selecting platforms with --platform and --platform-priority
- Windows: "w, win, windows"
- Linux: "l, lin, linux"
- Mac: "m, mac, osx"

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted September 05, 2015
LGOGDownloader 2.25
- Added options to login separately to website and API
* --login-api
* --login-website
* Makes it possible to use cookies exported from browser (helps if user gets reCAPTCHA on login form)
- Added detection of reCAPTCHA during login
- Changed path for game specific config files
* Game specific config files are now located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lgogdownloader/gamespecific/gamename.conf
- Added support for ignoring dlc count information using game specific config file with --list option
- Removed --no-deb and --no-targz options
* GOG no longer provides deb and tarball archives
- Implemented gogdownloader:// protocol download (patch by: Sandy Carter)
* Implements the following commands:
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,...
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,..
- Added option to specify output filename (patch by: Sandy Carter)
* Adds -o and --output-file option to specify path and downloaded file name when using --download-file
- Removed tarball specific code from API implementation
- Fixed priority handling with duplicate values
- Added support for using strings to set language, language-priority, platform and platform-priority instead of using numbers
- Fixed retry on operation timeout
sha256: e9310b4e54a88d69f88346afaf647d057a2622ac5ee4b1309197bb5a0eba5af3
md5: b07de18e396165049bd6ce731a80d137
- Added options to login separately to website and API
* --login-api
* --login-website
* Makes it possible to use cookies exported from browser (helps if user gets reCAPTCHA on login form)
- Added detection of reCAPTCHA during login
- Changed path for game specific config files
* Game specific config files are now located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lgogdownloader/gamespecific/gamename.conf
- Added support for ignoring dlc count information using game specific config file with --list option
- Removed --no-deb and --no-targz options
* GOG no longer provides deb and tarball archives
- Implemented gogdownloader:// protocol download (patch by: Sandy Carter)
* Implements the following commands:
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME/FILE_ID
* lgogdownloader gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,...
* lgogdownloader --download-file gogdownloader://GAME_NAME_1/FILE_ID_1,GAME_NAME_2/FILE_ID_2,..
- Added option to specify output filename (patch by: Sandy Carter)
* Adds -o and --output-file option to specify path and downloaded file name when using --download-file
- Removed tarball specific code from API implementation
- Fixed priority handling with duplicate values
- Added support for using strings to set language, language-priority, platform and platform-priority instead of using numbers
- Fixed retry on operation timeout
sha256: e9310b4e54a88d69f88346afaf647d057a2622ac5ee4b1309197bb5a0eba5af3
md5: b07de18e396165049bd6ce731a80d137