GoldenCavalier: I'm going to guess that my experience in contacting developers and not getting any response, or an answer to my questions about achievements on GOG is typical...?
Ice_Mage: Yes.
No response Happened so many times that I stopped keeping track.
Phigames (Phi Dinh) stands out among these, since I tried contacting him two different ways. Boo! Hiss!
Form letter then nothing gets done •
505 Games •
XeloGames •
Daedalic Entertainment. Got an automated response that confirmed the buggy games were still supported. Never heard back from an actual person.
Absolutely stellar •
2 Ton Studios. My particular issue wasn't solvable, but it's not something anyone else will encounter now. --
Edit: plus the issue of achievements not being visible was taken care of. -- It also seems a few achievements still don't unlock once the correct requirements are met (though it is possible to unlock them with extra effort).
Nonetheless, I contacted developer Stephen Danton on New Year's Eve and received responses within the hour, if not minutes. I was also offered a download link to the art book for my trouble. By that point I was so impressed that I'd already bought the Special Edition DLC which included the art book. I think we both had a good chuckle at that.
Wadjet Eye Games and
Wormwood Studios. I contacted the former once I saw that Unavowed was updated, hoping we might get achievements for it. It turned out partner Wormwood Studios had been tasked with adding achievements to the entire Wadjet Eye Games catalogue on GOG. I ended up buying the lot as a result. I will also add that despite being old, their games recently received a bunch of updates that upgraded the game engine and whatnot. It's very uncommon to see that kind of support.
Alexim: For many, GOG is nothing more than a way to round out earnings with as little effort as possible.
Ice_Mage: Many times, I've seen developers active on Steam acknowledging bugs but never fixing them. GOG might not seem like worth the effort to some, due to sales numbers dwarfed by Steam. But there's a larger issue of developers being either unwilling or unable to fix their games past the initial release.
Thanks for the response. I figured my experience so far wasn't an uncommon one, but it is nice to hear about the exceptions where customer service was made a priority. It's sad that there are so many examples of it not mattering to developers in this industry, I won't ever understand any company not trying to make customers happy, especially if it requires minimal effort on their part. The huge list of games where achievements exist on Steam but not GOG shouldn't be a thing given how simple the dev portal documents indicate it is to quickly port them over to GOG. I suppose I'll keep trying and hope for one or two success stories like yours.
GoldenCavalier: Unfortunately yes. I sent them the GOG developer pages showing the process and ease of porting their Steam achievements into GOG but I see no changes to the games here and they never responded after that, despite the description of this process looking as if it literally would take minutes to do. I'm not experienced in contacting game developers, but in almost any other retail industry, if there was something a company could do that literally took minutes, was easy, and made even just the one customer asking them to do it happy, it would be done without hesitation.
I also contacted Almost Human regarding the fact that both Legend of Grimrock games have achievements on Steam but not GOG and have received not even the courtesy response Spiderweb did. I have a feeling one off contacts sporadically from individuals doesn't move these people much. Has anyone ever tried a coordinated contact campaign by as many users as would be willing to participate with some of these developers?

Alexim: Something like this has been attempted, but it's very difficult to find enough people and coordinate. I think for the more adamant developers it would take hundreds of reports, while for the more helpful developers it only takes one person. For example, the developers of Shantae, Wayforward Technologies, were contacted by dozens of people in a short time several times but never did anything except say a few rambling sentences worthy of a politician.
The developers of Ravenous Devils, on the other hand, added them as they promised after one request, at least to my knowledge.
If you use Discord, basically a modern chat, these days it's the quickest and easiest way to contact indie developers and anyone else with an official server.
Discord isn't my thing, and I've heard from others echoing your suggestion of it, but I probably won't ever find myself there I think. Very chaotic to say the least based on my limited experience in seeing my son's use of it. LOL As I said to Ice Mage, I just don't understand the mindset of a business that doesn't try to make their customers happy. Add on the challenges of the average person's disposable income over the last almost 3 years, as well as the simplicity of fixing this issue for a large percentage of the games on the list which are simply that the achievements exist on Steam but just not on GOG with the ease of the process in remedying that, and I don't get the thought process for these companies who need every sale they can get to survive. I'll keep trying and hope I can add at least one success story to your efforts here though.