snowkatt: we really mean it this time
the law died at age 51 i doubt it wil be missed
Moore's law isn't dead, it's just changed directions.
They've moved to energy efficiency, which is good, But more than that is when a Graphite method can be made for chips there will be a huge leap in performance, not to mention tons more efficient.
However if you want more speed, RAM really has to pick it up. RAM is so very slow in comparison where Cache is used to try and improve speeds.
I'm reminded of watching the videos about ARM processors when they were being designed, they had similar processors out there to others, but because they could use the full bandwidth every cycle with the RAM they were far faster and more efficient.
Besides, they've been pushing more cores vs faster speed for a while. There's test ARM rigs that have 80 cores, and more and more software is being built with multiple processors in mind.