Magnitus: Adding a social element to exercising is always fun. I was always more into running, swimming or doing free weight personally. I keep the free weights at home so I don't have to go to the gym. A bit lazy that way :P.
The script is there for your convenience. I will not take offense in if you don't use it. It just will patiently wait for you if you change your mind ;).
My body doesn't respond to free weights, at all. It also doesn't respond to cake so I can't complain. I installed a pull up bar in the kitchen door frame that I use from time to time because I figured it's cheaper to lift myself rather than buying all those weights, and for lighter weights I filled two Pet bottles with sand but I can't motivate myself to do any sort of exercise by myself. But throwing around 'human weights' is fun, we have all kinds of people from a 48 kg woman to a 100 kg guy, a while ago we even had a German giant who weighed in at 117 kg, sadly he isn't around anymore. My neighbor also has some interesting ideas for training, a couple days ago he asked me to trample around on him as hard as I could, as a human trampoline so to speak. Good for abs, he says. After that, I punched his stomach for 2 minutes at full force, he could have easily taken more abuse but I was gassed out. I've been playing too many computer games these last couple months and have neglected the physical realm we live in, gotta change that again.
Once it gets warmer, there's also a beautiful lake nearby that I like to swim in but only if it's at least 16 C, right now it's still 12 C and that's too cold for me. When you swim out into the lake, it feels like playing Silent Service (minus torpedoes), there's all these fancy people with ships out there trying to run me over, unsuccessfully so far.
I might resort to your script but I realized I'm more curious as to whether it actually works and less in need of an alert system as I don't need any more games. Frankly I don't need any games at all but I spent 10 years virtually game-free so this is something of a nostalgic relapse phase. And those GOG sales aren't exactly helping :D