Pamina: Following a few sale purchases today and starting my downloads NORTON antivirus suddenly reported 'Suspicious behaviour' on (SONAR.AM.C!g24) I felt I had no choice but to allow NORTON to quarantine the galaxy client. Please tell me this was a false alarm and that my card details are safe. I assume after quarantine I assume I will need to do a complete fresh install of Galaxy client, obviously assuming it is indeed false alarm.
onarliog: Well, it is true that Galaxy client is a threat, just not in the way you think. (sorry, couldn't resist)
Anyways, that specific detection rule (SONAR.AM.C!g24) is especially likely to be a false alarm, so no need to worry.
Thank you for a solid reply. There have been many unhelpful comments but I appreciate yours and I think you are right. My experience with Norton have actually been a very good one. It chugs away in the background and very rarely gives me any grief. I think the GOG installer as you suggest is showing behaviour similar to what you may see in malware and the heuristics rules sometimes get it wrong. Thanks again :-)
JinKazaragi: GData (the anti virus I use) doesn't respond to Galaxy so it probably is a false positive.
Concering reinstalling (which might not be necessary because a file in quarantine isn't deleted, you should be able to move it back): Norton would just put it into quarantine again, you have to make an exception in the anti virus for Galaxy (I have no idea how you do that with Norton though, it's been over decade since I stopped using it after it gave me false positives on my old games).
Thanks for the reply. I think you are right Norton will allow me to 'unquarantine' the application so thats likely the best way forward.