GamezRanker: pay no mind to their words.
But then we act closeminded also :)
It's important to listen all opinions and being disposed to talk/discuss/argue about them.
The art about it is to hold the horses
Breja: I have to say, this weekend's edition of "Guess Which Thread is Getting Locked on Monday" is off to a great start.
Not a problem if it happens because it would be earned: The blues here would do it if the topic derail or drifts away of civil manners. (Surprise, surprise!: One of the few positive things I recognize them)
What is sad/food_for_thought is how sensible is the society worldwide about certainly not_crucial topics.
We are very anxious to extrapolate the real problems (that happens to every of us, despite color, gender, creed) and start the fire at the minimum opportunity.
We should be working together towards a solution, not wasting time dividing us even more in vain exhibits.
Why I created this thread then? Well
-I am a man
-I can talk/participate first hand about being one
-I don't have a problem (call it I don't care if you wish) if a men's day exist.
-I also don't have a problem if it exists: It is innocuous to me. The same with the women's, gay's, you_name_whatever days. All those are free (cost, time & effort) and good excuses to congratulate and "dedicate" to them.
By the way: The day is near to end and I am still waiting any gift (LOL, a naive here)
Maybe you could help to improve the celebration with some Chuck Norris jokes... :)