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Starmaker: Это англоязычный подфорум. Здесь стараются писать по-английски. Не хочешь стараться - получаешь минус.

Иди на хуй.
tinyE: That's what I don't get about the Russian language.

It really shouldn't take that many words to say "Fuck You".
What I don't get about Russian is that what you quoted doesn't look like what Starmaker wrote. There's this "3TO" at the beginning, which looks like "3mo" in the qoute. But when I copy&pate it, I get a 3TO again. And there's more like this. CTapaHOTCR became cmapahomcr, nNCaTb became nucamb and NAN turned into Ndu.
HeathGCF: Clearly there's still people who think "rate this post" is some kind of genre of game on this forum, playing at "let's downrate Fairfox because we're sad individuals with nothing better to do" as their personal form of internet empowerment.

To those people, this is a public service announcement.

Thank you.
Starmaker: Это англоязычный подфорум. Здесь стараются писать по-английски. Не хочешь стараться - получаешь минус.

Иди на хуй.
Yes indeed, this is an English language forum and thank you for pointing that out, albeit in Russian. However, the beauty of the English language is that it encapsulates numerous dialects and variations, including the somewhat unusual and phonic way of Fairfox typing words as they might sound.

I don't see anything wrong with that, personally, but hey, whatever floats your boat. If your "thang" is clicking that "rate this post" button negatively and that gives you wood, just don't forget to wipe your keyboard with a tissue when your done ;)
low rated
Post edited August 05, 2018 by Fairfox
Shmups. Still need to get Degica's games here.
tinyE: It really shouldn't take that many words to say "Fuck You".
It doesn't - most of that was a lecture Just the last 3 words bring the profanity. ;)

Though if I recall, Russian does take about 40% longer on average to say. Watching movies dubbed from English into Russian can be amusing as they rush to keep up.

real.geizterfahr: What I don't get about Russian is that what you quoted doesn't look like what Starmaker wrote. There's this "3TO" at the beginning, which looks like "3mo" in the qoute. But when I copy&pate it, I get a 3TO again. And there's more like this. CTapaHOTCR became cmapahomcr, nNCaTb became nucamb and NAN turned into Ndu.
m is the lowercase version of T (Te, or 't' sound), u is the lowercase version of и (i, or soft 'ee' sound).

The lowercase version of M is more like the Greek mu. So it's just shifting upper/lowercase on you, though why I can't say.

real.geizterfahr: and NAN turned into Ndu.
Oh, and Д is a capital D, not an A. And again, the backwards и is an 'i' not an N. So phoneticized in English it's "idi" in both cases (kind of similar to but with the d softened a bit)
Post edited August 08, 2018 by bler144
andysheets1975: Shmups. Still need to get Degica's games here.
we need this mans shmups
tinyE: snip
Probably inappropes, but kinda funny