Posted January 31, 2025

EDIT: Even the Doom Wiki says "The Doom Slayer is the main protagonist of the Doom franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the original trilogy and it's spin-off, Doom 64. He returns as the protagonist of Doom (2016), Doom Eternal and Doom: The Dark Ages."
That wouldn't be possible as Doom 64 directly contradicts that, with Doomguy getting "stuck in hell" or whatever. As it came a year later than Plutonia's official release, that initial contradiction is where the split between the original continuity and the reboots happens to me and why I will never consider them the same character. They can try to say otherwise, but my canon is set in stone:
Doomguy - the heroic marine that made his way all the way from Phobos back to Earth and thwarted Hell's invasion, continuing on to become a respected commander, and thwarting further attempts to conquer humanity.
Doomslayer - the PTSD ridden (Doom 64 story literally says that), trapped in hell tard-rager from Doom 64 that got reawakened for the reboots.
Not to mention I really disliked the "story" of Doom 2016 and from what I've seen of Eternal, they took the cringe to the next level.
Post edited January 31, 2025 by idbeholdME