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I tried paying for SOMA via Paypal and have run into this problem. Should I try again or not?
king_mosiah: I tried paying for SOMA via Paypal and have run into this problem. Should I try again or not?
I know this has happened to people before and there is a solution. I'll see if I can find it.
king_mosiah: I tried paying for SOMA via Paypal and have run into this problem. Should I try again or not?
Tallima: I know this has happened to people before and there is a solution. I'll see if I can find it.
king_mosiah: Should I try again or not?
Check your paypal account to see if money has been deducted from it. If it has, contact support and they should manually process your order. If it hasn't, wait a bit (I'd suggest an hour or two), then check paypal balance again, and proceed to either contacting support or attempting to checkout again.
I'm assuming you have not received an email from PayPal confirming payment. On the off-hand chance you have, I definitely would not purchase a second time, or you will end up paying twice. It could be the purchase failed, or that it's just taking a bit of time to process. I don't know how long you have been stuck, but I would try to give it a little bit of time.
king_mosiah: I tried paying for SOMA via Paypal and have run into this problem. Should I try again or not?

At least not until you've made sure you weren't charged (and the game didn't appear to your account). If you were charged, then contact GOG support and ask them to either refund the money or add the game to your account manually (preferably the latter).

If you were charged and try to buy again, then you are charged two times. At least that has happened to me earlier with the credit card. I was of course refunded as soon as I noticed it and let GOG support know, but what if I had not realized it myself?
Post edited September 22, 2015 by timppu
Yeah. Looks like everyone in other threads had good luck with contacting support. Support makes payment issues priority 1.
I called my bank and they said a block was put on the VISA card, so there is that mystery solved. The problem is that GOG purchases seem to be what caused the card to become flagged...
king_mosiah: I called my bank and they said a block was put on the VISA card, so there is that mystery solved. The problem is that GOG purchases seem to be what caused the card to become flagged...
Yeah. Banks today have the power to decide what you should buy and what you shouldn't.
30$ for SOMA is very suspicious.......
king_mosiah: I called my bank and they said a block was put on the VISA card, so there is that mystery solved. The problem is that GOG purchases seem to be what caused the card to become flagged...
phandom: Yeah. Banks today have the power to decide what you should buy and what you shouldn't.
30$ for SOMA is very suspicious.......
It would seem so. The process is 100% automated and there is no way to make a white list of any sort...
Post edited September 22, 2015 by king_mosiah