MarkoH01: I asked you a normal and logical question.
Vainamoinen: No, the problem is that you just wanted to bitch around.
I was simply stating my own opinion. If you call that "bitching around" that is completely up to you. Feel free to disagree with my opinion if you like but please don't accuse me of things I simply did not do.
Vainamoinen: Historically, a little over 20€ as a day one price is stellar and almost unprecedented for an adventure game of this budget to be sold in Germany and to German customers.
Read again what I said. I said imo(!) too expensive. I never said something like "oh, how could Daedalic ask for such a high price - that's unresponsible". I simply said "the game is too expensive for me". That was a purely subjective statement and nothing you say or argue will change this. I am simply not willing to pay over 20 Euros for such kind of a game.
Vainamoinen: For Daedalic to go even lower, these guys would have to collaborate with the fucking Bild-Zeitung again like they did for Deponia 4 and no one in his right mind would even want that. 20 bucks, fuck me running, I've happily paid more for Thimbleweed Park, Firewatch, Dreamfall Chapters and a whole bucketload of other games from non-German developers.
And that is not only completely fine it is completely up to you. I have not paid more than 20 dollars for either Firewatch nor Thimbleweed Park.
Vainamoinen: Why you as a German are paying more for games from Germany? Funny you should ask. You may be interested to know that at this very time Daedalic is debating whether sinking tens of thousands into German voiceover is strictly speaking still financially feasible for a developer who makes most of his dough abroad anyway. So if they just dispensed with the German voices in future games and then sold their games in Germany for the pittance less that the $ to € conversion yields, hey, I'd be OK with that too! But I guess we'd hear quite a bit of bitching from you over that switch too.
I really don't even know why I replying to you - you keep accusing me of "bitching" and that's just silly. But why exactly is it "bitching" if you say that there's something you don't like? Or is it just fun accusing me?
Vainamoinen: I think I've demonstrated more than a casual inclination to drag Daedalic over the coals when they've done reprehensible shit, but at some point, the nitpicking starts and this really is it.
Again it is completely up to each person when "nitpicking" starts and ends. But I am so glad that you know everything better than me.
Vainamoinen: The reimbursement for international pricing that GOG still gives its customers, year after year, is just awesome. It's neither "normal" nor "logical" to make GOG's game service of all things the one where you'd like to vent your frustration, proclaim and in turn elicit boycott. It's in fact misplaced and heinous.
Go to Valve's forum with that shit, thank you.
Oh boy - I really don't know what post YOU have read I doubt it was mine. Please tell me ONE single thing I critizised in GOGs behaviour in this thread. GOG is compensating what Daedalic ond other people are doing to us becase they don't like regional pricing either.
But really. Simply the way you are "arguing" and the amount of swear words you are using is telling me that you are just not the kind of person I even want to talk to. So I consider this discussion done - have fun trolling someone else.