Yeah, don't hold your breath!
First and foremost:
- Expect this to be waaaaaaaaaay at the bottom of Night Dive's to do-list! Since hey're not going to make any money from the gog version, as it's going to be a free update, just like the Steam version, they're probably prioritising the Epic version, since the game hasn't been available there before. And even the Epic version has no release date yet, it's listed as "
coming soon".
Other stuff to consider:
- Galaxy crossplay is apparently a pain in the ass to get running and I'm aware of at least two cases (Dusk, Ancestors Legacy) where proper Galaxy implementation took 6+ months.
- You'll probably need a account for multiplayer and add ons (which sucks, but is probably a less egregious violation of gog's former DRM-free stance than Hitman GOTY, as you can at least play regular singleplayer with no restrictions)
- They're generally not the fastest when it comes to bugfixing. A minor issue that could probably be fixed in a few minutes (where the game will play a wrong music track in some levels) hasn't been fixed to this day.
- The quotes from Night Dive (?) staff on Discord that were posted on this forum were far from encouraging
I'd be
very surprised if it were to show up later this year (unless they lop off features like crossplay multiplayer- and even then it'll probably take until some time next year).