I do quite suck at putting my thoughts in words, and I'm not good at argueing, but I'll give it a whirl.
Here in Belgium we have the following problem:
After the second world war, we started rebuilding our ravaged country, and looking for new industries and resources to exploit. Since there were coal deposits here in Limburg (Maasmechelen, a mining town of old, for example lies only about half an hour's steady drive from my home), we decided to start mining them, because we needed all available boosts to our economy.
Unfortunately, there weren't enough miners, all belgian men were busy rebuilding, working for other industries etc... . We then decided to invite labourers and miners from other countries to come live in belgium and work here (which was a nice prospect for a lot of people in poorer/devastated countries). First came quite a few Italians, and then a sizeable group of Turkish an morrocan people. They got their homes here, in the so called mining Citees, and started working.
Now, with the mines closed years ago, a lot of muslim families have become considerably poorer, as they sustained themselves from working in the mines.
A big problem, is the attitude the Belgians have towards these people; They are treated as second rate citizens in many cases, a lot of idiots think it is a bad thing muslims are allowed to have their own prayer houses in Belgium, and you would laugh your ass of at the ludicrous idiocy that has been said arround the "banning of burka's" debate.
Currently, a lot of young muslims, stemming from the poor families, are treated as junk and are neatly forced into low-level education, like technical schools for automobile maintenance, plumbers etc... . I think you can see that vicious circle popping up.
There are also other muslim immigrants who do quite well. Unfortunately, they are also scoffed at by lots of Belgians, and I shall offer a striking example.
My mother got to know a muslim family through her work. They do their prayers each day, the wife goes about bareheaded, and they wouldn't harm a fly. They studied in Turkey, and came here in the tracks of family members who were already living here. They both were Animal doctors (one for cattle, the others for smaller animals, like pets)
-sorry, I don't know what "an animal doctor" is in english- Upon arriving here, they were blunty refused all opportunities to do the work they studied for. Why would anyone take a muslim doctor when they could take a Belgian one, after all? And god knows how they cure animals in Turkey, so who would want to pass their pet under the knife of a turkish doctor?!
At the same time, they were also blunty refused all options for studying a few extra years here in a Belgian university, so that they could 'catch up' with animal medicine here in europe. They were basicly told that their diplomes were useless, and if they wanted to become animal doctors here in Belgium, they would have to study all over again (which they, of course, didn't have the money for.)
The husband works in a computer repair shop, the wife repairs furniture.
people who studied to become animal doctors for fucks sake!!!
All about the country, the "Belgians" are of the following opinions:
-Muslims are lazy parasites who refuse to work
-True belgians should be favoured when new jobs open up
-Muslims must alter their habits if they want to live here with us, they should assimilate with western culture
-All muslims are assholes who want to take over the western world, by coming here, not altering their ways and assimilating US
Needless to say, after decenia of such bullying and harrasment, the majority of the muslim population collapsed upon itself and formed a tight group, which fearfully clinged on to their habits of old, because it was all we left them, and the only reassurance they have in the pitiful existence we leave them.
In such a scoffed at, and above all, !<frustrated>! mob of people, beset on all sides by OUR intolerance of their being different in their ways, it is all to easy for some cunt to instill the young people ,with no hope of a good future, with lies of paradise if they start blowing people up, and shooting mobs of others.
I am basicly trying to point out, that here in Europe, we bully these people INTO clinging on to their traditions. If we just let them go to their mosques, if we let them dress as they want (besides, it's not as if anyone has a problem with the jews dressing up like clowns, dogmatizing their children and having tora schools in antwerp), while we mind our business, go to our churches, dress up as we like, etc...,
and just, you know LET EACH OTHER BE, a lot of problems would be solved quite instantly.
If you create a lot of frustration and helpless anger in a mob, by continuously favouring others and looking down on them like filthy bugs, then you really shouldn't be surprised if some religious leader comes by, and utilizes that anger to turn otherwise perfectly humane, docile people into frenzied fanatics with false promises and lies. And that is where, indeed, religion, Islam, plays a very, very dirty role as a tool for mass manipulation so that these cunts can rig the poor and unsuspecting before their chariots.
It's not just their religion, their habits on themselves. We, the western world, are also a big cog in the machinations that are driving Islam into its frenzied state, by scoffing at its people, and continuously looking down on them. that creates anger, naturally, and that is what is being exploited by animals like IS and their foul beastmasters.
Right now, here in Belgium, there are special forces walking arround the streets of the major cities. The ruling biggest political right-wing party couldn't be better served by the recent wave of terrorist attacks, and they are happily instilling fear of the big bad islam into the people, any excuse for getting more power and control is welcome, and the current events are being served to them like a delicious dish on a silver platter. And it's not as if THAT kind of policy is going to solve our problem, now is it? -_-
Hell, I might be a communist and a fundamental antitheist myself, but as long as people let each other be and go on about their own business without harming each other with their differences, I can put up with their believing psychotic fabbles and devious lies. That goes as much for christians, jew, buddhists, hindus as it does for muselmen. Besides, my maddly christian neighbour stuffs my post bin with propaganda from his local bibble community, he throws me foul looks when I wash my parent's car on sundays and he forces his children to sing gospels with him every other day. I have never been bothered in such a way by any moslim In my neighbourhood, they just keep to themselves all the time
I am in no way trying to justify muslim terrorism or anything, I am just offering the viewpoint that we, in the west, might ourselves very well be a big part of the problem, and can be a big part of the solution with a bit of mutual respect and understanding and a good portion of well thought through rationale.
edit: that is, specifically for islamitic fundamentalism in countries were muslims are a minority.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by Vnlr