snowkatt: uhm cliffnotes
a tldr ?
i kinda zoned out when i hit II and when i saw the xkcd link i clicked on that
Vestin: Ladies and gentlemen: the article proves its own theory correct. When presented with enough non-controversial information, the average reader will lose interest -_-.
oh hay passive agressive insults noice !
im lots of things
an average reader is not one of them
here is a trueism pay attention now it might blow your mind
but maybe just maybe i clicked the xkcd link because i lost interest in the subject at hand
ie it bored me
ie i didnt care one bit about the essay or its message at all
bit hard to read for oh say 10 pages when the essay it self kinda fails to hold my interest
but wait you cry ! doesnt that prove my point ?
no not really if an essay fails to hold a readers interest it failed as an essay
i was asking about the gist of the whoel thing with out devoting 2 hours to read through it
as a closing anecdote : i do have strong opinions but i cant be arsed to debate them over the intarwebs
afterall somebody is always wrong on the web s arent they ?
HereForTheBeer: /raises hand
My feeling is that much of this stuff would be tempered if discussed not over the internet, but instead at a bar over a beer or two.
i dont drink beer
unless you want me drunk
and im probably a mean drunk
snowkatt: at times i feel the fun is being sucked out of video gaming
iippo: there have always been bad and boring games. this is just the first time they sell so damn well..
dunno about that
this is probably the first time they sell in such huge numbers and we take notice
back before we all had de webs buying a game was a matter of luck and reading magazines and hoping you wouldnt get a piece of garbage
and lots of garbage as such managed to slip through