escapist23: In about 18 years of occasionally playing videogames, but trying a LOT of them, I realized that most games are just rubbish and nonsense. I have always kept looking for the 'next' incredible game, and never found it. The only ones that stood the test of time, to me, are very few and far between, and this is probably true of your cases as well. Probably a couple of games out of accurately selected dozens based on apparently great reviews. Interestingly, I always read first the NEGATIVE reviews, and I am always surprised how insightful they are: they quickly tell me of all the things I don't want in a game, either, and all the glaring defects. Most of these reviews are written by choosy and difficult 'gamers' like me, which are to me the most useful reviews, as they imply a certain amount of experience.
There's just so many games, but almost none that are truly worth spending dozens of hours on. Tons of quantity, but very little quality. Most of them have nonsense stories, no humour, no sense of tragedy, dumb characters, NPCs without personality, chaotic and messy battles, a zillion worthless items, etc. The only mostly high quality constant in them, are the soundtracks. I must say, especially PC games, have the most amazing soundtracks I have heard. And the graphics in most of the 'best' modern games are very pretty. But that's where it all ends, for me.
End of the rant :)