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Maybe these great releases are a way to distract us from those forum and site fixes so with that idea in mind why don't we keep up the pressure and see what other stuff gets released! Total War? JRPG? WarCraft? Metal Gear? Half Life? SKY'S THE LIMIT!!!!!!
high rated
odinfan: There are people who come here for the community? That's pretty laughable with some of the weird posters we have here. Sorry, but with topics complaining about dead cats or odd rants about stupid issues, this isn't really a forum for any serious discussion really.

If you aren't here for the new releases, I don't know what to say.
I'm probably one of the weirdos, since I like discussions about cooking recipes, parenting, political struggles (like the Ukrainian civil war), even religion - as long as people stay civil and are actually discussing instead of abusing each other.
An international community with at least one common topic (games) opens a lot of opportunities to learn of different countries, cultures, ways of lives, points of view, problems and joys other people deal with...
With an open mind this can be a rather enriching experience - and it's available without having to leave my comfy home or office.

So yes, I come here for the community. And the releases.
Crewdroog: it is what it is. gog's getting bigger, so priorities are shifting.
Fine. That's fine. I would just like to actually her that from GOG. To know what is really up, not speculate. I want to be able to rely on what they tell us, even when it's not what I want to hear. But right now more often than not we hear nothing, and what we do hear is not reliable. That's my big issue.

I'm not being a hater, I'm not being unreasonable. A short official statement on the gifting restrictions on the main site and reliable updates on the chat and forum issues- that's all I ask. And then I can join the choir praising the releases.
Crewdroog: it is what it is. gog's getting bigger, so priorities are shifting.
Breja: Fine. That's fine. I would just like to actually her that from GOG. To know what is really up, not speculate. I want to be able to rely on what they tell us, even when it's not what I want to hear. But right now more often than not we hear nothing, and what we do hear is not reliable. That's my big issue.

I'm not being a hater, I'm not being unreasonable. A short official statement on the gifting restrictions on the main site and reliable updates on the chat and forum issues- that's all I ask. And then I can join the choir praising the releases.
yup, I totally agree with you. if it wasn't for grargar, we never would have heard anything. Even after that they gave us a two second blurb in that thread, but no official statement concerning it.

that last statement there was just a kind of a "give-up, *sigh*" statement. and that makes me sad.
GoG. GoG never changes.
It could be an advanced case of syphilis.
I wish people wouldn't write messages pretending to represent the "users" or "community" or "customers". Everyone speaks only for himself/herself.

For instance, I couldn't give rat's ass about the chat function or gifting restrictions. YMMV.
Crewdroog: [...]

I guess their energies are into getting big clients and galaxy off the ground, and the forums just are no longer any sort of priority. I guess we are a small drop in the gog world? dunno.

it is what it is. gog's getting bigger, so priorities are shifting.
The forum never was any sort of priority.
Crewdroog: [...]

I guess their energies are into getting big clients and galaxy off the ground, and the forums just are no longer any sort of priority. I guess we are a small drop in the gog world? dunno.

it is what it is. gog's getting bigger, so priorities are shifting.
HypersomniacLive: The forum never was any sort of priority.
hmm, I guess since I've been here only a little over a year I'd never noticed until now with all the galaxy stuff going on. *shrugs*

and hello! :)
timppu: For instance, I couldn't give rat's ass about the chat function or gifting restrictions. YMMV.
Or understanding what I'm actually talking about, apparently.
timppu: For instance, I couldn't give rat's ass about the chat function or gifting restrictions. YMMV.
Breja: Or understanding what I'm actually talking about, apparently.
So what were you talking about? If it was "but that does not mean it's ok for you to just ignore everything else and rest on your laurels", then I still disagree.

For instance, a couple of days ago I complained to GOG support about this issue on the Iron Storm download page:

They replied to me in email and said they are investigating it internally. Yesterday I noticed the issue was fixed, now tool supposedly downloads Iron Storm fine. So I can't really agree that GOG staff would be ignoring its customers.
Breja: Or understanding what I'm actually talking about, apparently.
timppu: So what were you talking about?
"At this point this isn't even about the issues themselves, it's about you utter failure to communicate with the customers."

You may not care about giting restrictions, but there are those who do. Many who are not active on the forum, and will not know about a single post in some thread that explains the situation. Leaving things like that is simply not right, no matter what particular issue it's about.

I'm glad your problem with Iron Storm was fixed. My reaction to it certainly would not be "I don't care about Iron Strom, so I don't give a rat's ass about how and if GOG respods to it".
timppu: I wish people wouldn't write messages pretending to represent the "users" or "community" or "customers". Everyone speaks only for himself/herself.
Given the previous thread about the chat functionality and the number of people that complained in that one, as well as complaints and concerns in various other threads, he is representing a part of the community. I don't think he ever pretended to be representing everyone.
high rated
I agree that it would be nice if GOG communicated more with us, unless there's a legitimate reason for their silences that we don't know about. That said, in some ways I can't help but think they might avoid posting about these things because of how hostile some of the people on this forum can be. There are a lot of people here, or at least a few people vocal enough for it to feel like a lot, who are constantly trashing GOG, antagonizing GOG, having fits, being overly negative, and/or spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt caused by an irrational fears.

For example, look at the thread about the gifting restrictions. Two GOG staff members did post in that thread, and did that do any good? No. As soon as Konrad told us it was a temporary measure, people starting claiming that it would be permanent. When Destro explained why the restrictions were needed, one person went as far as to call him "a liar and con-artist". When engaging with the community just seems to make the community lash out more, why bother?

Another great example of people on this forum acting like nuts is the Victor Vran incident. The game was released with a special key for GOG users to get some items in the game (which were obtainable without the key) that required online access and an account to activate since it was implemented using an existing online system. Were the people on the forums grateful that GOG users had gotten a special little bonus? No, of course not! Instead, there was a massive backlash with people claiming that this optional bonus key was somehow DRM. The GOG staff tried to explain why it wasn't DRM, as did some forum users, but the others still wouldn't listen. Some people actually put negative ratings and even reviews on the Victor Vran store page because of it. The developers decided to make the bonus activate offline later, but can you imagine how they must have felt about the whole thing? They release their game on GOG and include a special gift for GOG users, they're all excited, and then they get this huge backlash from it. They tried to do something nice for GOG users, and they got torn apart for it. Absolutely ridiculous.

So yeah, I honestly can't blame the GOG staff for not communicating more. This forum has enough vocal people who are awful to deal with that even as someone who doesn't work for GOG I often don't want to bother with posting here. We can't expect the GOG staff, who are in fact human beings, to open themselves up for abuse when silence is clearly the better option.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by Marioface5
Marioface5: I agree that it would be nice if GOG communicated more with us, unless there's a legitimate reason for their silences that we don't know about. That said, in some ways I can't help but think they might avoid posting about these things because of how hostile some of the people on this forum can be. There are a lot of people here, or at least a few people vocal enough for it to feel like a lot, who are constantly trashing GOG, antagonizing GOG, having fits, being overly negative, and/or spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt caused by an irrational fears.

For example, look at the thread about the gifting restrictions. Two GOG staff members did post in that thread, and did that do any good? No. As soon as Konrad told us it was a temporary measure, people starting claiming that it would be permanent. When Destro explained why the restrictions were needed, one person went as far as to call him "a liar and con-artist". When engaging with the community just seems to make the community lash out more, why bother?

Another great example of people on this forum acting like nuts is the Victor Vran incident. The game was released with a special key for GOG users to get some items in the game (which were obtainable without the key) that required online access and an account to activate since it was implemented using an existing online system. Were the people on the forums grateful that GOG users had gotten a special little bonus? No, of course not! Instead, there was a massive backlash with people claiming that this optional bonus key was somehow DRM. The GOG staff tried to explain why it wasn't DRM, as did some forum users, but the others still wouldn't listen. Some people actually put negative ratings and even reviews on the Victor Vran store page because of it. The developers decided to make the bonus activate offline later, but can you imagine how they must have felt about the whole thing? They release their game on GOG and include a special gift for GOG users, they're all excited, and then they get this huge backlash from it. They tried to do something nice for GOG users, and they got torn apart for it. Absolutely ridiculous.

So yeah, I honestly can't blame the GOG staff for not communicating more. This forum has enough vocal people who are awful to deal with that even as someone who doesn't work for GOG I often don't want to bother with posting here. We can't expect the GOG staff, who are in fact human beings, to open themselves up for abuse when silence is clearly the better option.
I think GOG have less critics than many other places. The difference is that here they are allowed to talk about it without many restrictions so they're more visible so to speak.
But otherwise I can see both your and The OPs point. I've also ranted about something I don't like with GOG. Getting it off my chest and so on.