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The Vault of the Traveler

<span class="bold">Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 5</span>, the final entry in the strange Telltale adventure, is available now, DRM-free on now with a 25% discount!

Tales from the Borderland has it all: beautiful, true to the original, art and a hilariously gripping story to shape with every act, decision or indecision. Taking place not long after the events of Borderlands 2, you'll take control of a Hyperion hopeful and a native con-artist working the streets of Pandora just as they, naturally, get in over their heads on a relentless chase for riches and glory.

But everything comes to an end. A lengthy, twisted adventure is nearing its conclusion in The Vault of the Traveler, the final episode that will move you, shock you, and titillate you. If you already own the game, you already own the concluding episode!

See the final episode of <span class="bold">Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 5</span>, available now, DRM-free on The discount will last until October 27, 3:59 PM GMT.
SCPM: Are there more seasons planned? I'm debating playing through it in the near future, or waiting till the entire series is complete.
trentonlf: No more seasons, this was the final one.
TalkingPear: Source?
When I said Season I meant episode, I am not sure if there will be a tales from borderlands 2 (I see now my mistake in wording)
TalkingPear: Source?
trentonlf: When I said Season I meant episode, I am not sure if there will be a tales from borderlands 2 (I see now my mistake in wording)
Ah okay, no problem. There's still hope! :p
so far the only telltale new engine's game i really enjoyed much. maybe it's because i was in the momentum of enjoying HB complete cheap borderlands saga a couple of weeks before i got this on gog... no, it's rather cool story, good humor, characters and nice visually

and this thuesday was a busyday:

final life is strange ep 5 early during night
final tales from borderlands ep 5 after diner

great story/gaming day so far
asb: e.g. Sam and Max has had a game breaking bug for over 3 years, they've fixed it on other platforms
Vainamoinen: Fixed build on other platforms unconfirmed,
bug strictly speaking not "game breaking",
a second example for poorly treated customers is missing.

If this is your chosen crusade, sure all right I won't keep ya, but at least do this with a bit of fairness.
There's been many examples provided in other threads about how Telltale operates. You can't tell me this is the only Telltale thread you've ever seen here.

You stuck your head in the sand in the old Telltale forums when they started changing & I see you haven't come up for air yet.

But please do continue to endorse & defend their practices. I'm sure they're really your friends & some day they may even hire you. Oh wait, you're already working for free as a mod on their forums, why should they ever pay you?

Fanboys... dear lord.
"and titillate you" ah GOG you had me on titillate. If there is one thing I do like it is tits.

Well I also like sleep and sleeping on pillows, and those pillows would preferably be ...

though in all seriousness (and oddness of the English language aside) I already own this game so I'm just being stupid after too many drinks at a business convention (where there weren't enough tits :)

Ah full circle.
deonast: "and titillate you" ah GOG you had me on titillate. If there is one thing I do like it is tits.

Well I also like sleep and sleeping on pillows, and those pillows would preferably be ...

though in all seriousness (and oddness of the English language aside) I already own this game so I'm just being stupid after too many drinks at a business convention (where there weren't enough tits :)

Ah full circle.
as a french i was surprised and puzzled too by the sentence you quoted :)

because here we often make an excessive us of anglicisms, and it was the first time i saw the reverse thing back in english :)

i so indeed endorse the word/verb "titillate" !
Dalthnock: Oh wait, you're already working for free as a mod on their forums, why should they ever pay you?
that was a nice sniper-shot indeed, sir...
Post edited October 21, 2015 by Djaron
Dalthnock: You stuck your head in the sand in the old Telltale forums when they started changing & I see you haven't come up for air yet.
Fanboys... dear lord.
Ad hominem, eh? Yeah, sorry, that rhetoric register doesn't make you look good.

The Telltale forums started changing for the worse when people started with this kind of personal insults hurled at community members and Telltale officials. If you think that had a whole lot to do with the company itself... I'm sorry for you.

Telltale's done a lot wrong in 10 years, that's undoubtedly true, and they haven't made a game that really interested me for five years now. But what I see here are accusations dressed up and exaggerated for their repetitive show value. Optimized for impact, not information, and embellished with unverified and very likely incorrect flourish.

I asked a community member to check his facts, and only that.

Dalthnock: Oh wait, you're already working for free as a mod on their forums
Haven't really for more than a year now, thank you very much.
Post edited October 21, 2015 by Vainamoinen
Still unsure if I should start buying TellTale's games from GOG or directly from them... It's DRM free in both cases, but I can download it more easily if I buy it from GOG. On the other hand, although I'm a windows user, I would love to see more cross-platform support on GOG, so if eventually one day I'll switch to mac, I'll still be able to play them.
Nevertheless, I think that if a mac or linux version is available, I have to be able to run it on different operative systems without having to buy it again (yes, a mac is a pc with a different operative system than windows).

EDIT: I just learned that the game purchased from TellTale store is not DRM-free. This changes everything, of course. I'll get the GOG version.

PS: ehm... my apologies for the pointless post!
Post edited October 21, 2015 by benlz
I own both this and Game of Thrones, and I have been waiting for both to "finish" before starting either. I just think it is lame that they not only leapfrogged GoTs scheduled release to finish this first, and remained so tight lipped about when these final installments would actually release.

But I digress.. Hooray! The waiting is over!

..........wait... does any one know if they are planning DLC for this or GoT?
Played it, finished it, loved it to bits. This is by far the best thing Telltale have done in terms of storytelling since The Walking Dead S1 (and let's face it: Telltale is all about the storytelling).

If you're a Borderlands fan, or just love a good adventure game, you really ought to play this!

I haven't fallen this much in love with the cast of an adventure game since Broken Sword!