rabieslord: <snip>
For you folks around the globe, is your TV nothing but crap reality shows? I refuse to buy cable for a variety of reasons, but I know that so much of American tv has become this nonsense where a camera crew follows around washed up celebrities and media whores to see what they are whining about that day. I am just wondering if the collective IQ of global entertainment industry is dropping everywhere, or if its just the US.
That's how it feels when I visit my mother and brothers, yes. Reality shows and various talent shows (which I guess is a kind of subcategory?). For that very reason I've not had my television plugged in ever since I started living on my own :)
To orcishgamer about beer prices: I'm in Denmark so I could be way off, but I imagine (any Norwegians please correct me) the prices are somewhat similar. Anyway, I'll just list some prices to give an idea of the price level.
In a supermarket the cheapest piss will be around 3-4 DKR for a 30cl bottle.
Usually average beers will be around 6-8 DKR, though.
And fancy beers (eg 50cl German Weissbier or other special brews) can probably go from 15, 20 (most common I think) to even more DKR.
In bars (I'm excepting university student bars which will often be much closer to supermarket prices) the average beer in bottle will probably be 20-40 DKR. Larger beers in plastic cups, depending on the bar/discotheque will probably be 40-50+ DKR. Probably even more if they serve special brews.
From supermarkets it's not too bad I think, but in bars I think it's way too expensive. I'm a student though, so...
Oh and 1 USD seems to be about 5,65 DKR tonight!
Oh! I also have a question for the folks from southern Europe! I'm here thinking of pretty much everyone south of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. I don't know if it's a commonly held belief. But my impression has somehow become that it isn't that common to drink beer in those countries. Wine being preferred or some such. Is there any validity to that?